Dark Brown, almost Black
5' 6" (1.68m)
Of average height and build, physically fit and toned where necessary, because of the constant electrical based healing energy working throughout her body, Shaali is slightly stronger than the average person and will always look just that little bit younger than others her age. Her most striking features are green eyes mixed with a little blue set against her very dark brown hair.
She more often than not keeps the latter in a standard ponytail allowing a few wisps to fall around her face so as to break the intense look having it completely tied back seems to give her. When in a more relaxed and not too hot environment she will leave it free and flowing where it will reach down to her lower back, often having to move it out of the way whenever she wants to sit down.
Shaali’s of the mind that if it fits, looks good and suits her, then it can be worn until it cannot be worn anymore. She’s never been a clothes shopper in the sense of needing the latest fashion, just what is practical, comfortable, cool, easy to iron and can withstand the dirt, dust and lots of fur she often finds herself covered in from her work in the rescue centre.
One thing she does love are boots, combat style in particular. They are just so versatile, fitting to the varying things she does on the farm while not only protecting her feet but looking really good while doing it too.
Shaali is hoping she can eventually use the uniform she has made/built herself based on one of her favourite gaming franchises, Gears of War. Obviously more feminine, lighter and less body covering than the ones the soldiers in the game wear, and, well, she hasn’t the resources nor the need to figure out how to magnetise the armoured backpack area the weapons are clipped to. She has powers to use, not guns after all.
This consists of a black, armoured biker style vest complete with shoulder pads extending down over a tight black, short-sleeved shirt to completely protect and cover her back and stomach. Utility belt she probably won’t need as one of the X-Men. Armoured, tight black pants with knee and shin guards over yet again, her favourite black, purple or both coloured combat boots. She made the pistol holder to tie around her leg as well.
While there is nothing always visible to give away she is a mutant, when using her powers, the electricity manifests as flowing through the veins and nerves throughout her entire body, including her eyes, thus giving off the effect these areas are glowing. The colour ranges from a stark white to deep purple depending on where she is and what type of electricity she is using.
Owner/Founder of the Animals 4Eva Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, QLD, Australia
- Graduated High School Year 10.
- Completed Certificates III & IV in Companion Animal Services through Tafe Queensland online, as well as Certificate III in Captive Animals.
- Has recently finished furthering her studies in the above field with Certificate IV.
- An animal lover through and through.
- Science Fiction
- Has shown a recent interest in the healing properties of Nanotechnology, something she is likely to further pursue once deciding whether to stay at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters or not.
- Writing in many different genres but mainly Science Fiction
- Many skills learnt while living on a farm her entire life. For example: Tending to varying types of animals, horses, cats, dogs, poultry, pigs, cattle and everything else in between after opening up the Rehabilitation Center.
- Due to the healing side of her powers, has an innate need to be there for people in pain and has even discreetly used her powers when visiting hospitals.
Electrokinesis: Overall, Shaali is an Electrokinetic, able to create, tap into, absorb and manipulate both natural and manmade forms of electricity. She achieves this in three main ways:
Healing: Shaali is able to instantly convert the electricity she has absorbed into a form of energy she can then use to interface with the neural impulses within humans and animals and essentially supercharge the bodies natural ability to heal and regenerate. She can subconsciously visualise what needs to be done, thus directing the flow, essentially telling the patient what they need to do to heal and providing all the necessary energy to do it. Because this takes a great amount of concentration and there is a limit to both how long she can continue and the patients can physically handle, she prefers to achieve this over time. Minor wounds don’t take much. Something greater, like a life-threatening injury, can take anywhere from instantly, to a few weeks depending on how much electricity she has access to or stored within herself at the time.
Shaali can also heal all types of diseases provided she has some sort of direct skin to skin contact with the one infected throughout their recovery. Again, depending on the severity of the disease will depend on how long it takes to heal it and some forms, such as cancer, can be too aggressive for her to clear before irreversible damage is done.
By now, Shaali has infinite control over this side of her powers and an innate empathy that enables her to read the outwards signs of body language, along with a deeper and more personal study into different types of symptoms to gauge when something is wrong. Unfortunately, where Shaali is first and foremost a healer, if she wanted to she could easily reverse everything she has already done or simply overload the patient’s body, causing a lot of physical damage and even killing them.
Manipulation: By taking control of static electricity always present in the air and making use of all other forms of available electrical energy from power lines, power points and so on, Shaa is also able to use her power for Attack, Defence, Precision and Recharge.
Electrocution: Shaali breaks down what she absorbs into anything from a single electric shock via one or both hands to a much larger type of energy wave by converging the branches of electricity together. How small, how large, how much and at what distance she can use this ability, again, all depends on how much she has access to.
Shield: Shaali can manipulate the electrical energy into an instant shield that can spread in either a half-circle in front of her or a surrounding sphere on all sides. This is thus far capable of stopping physical, elemental and other outward forms of attack, internal or psionic abilities never tested. As with the attack form of her powers, how strong this shield is and how long it can last for depends on how much power she has to tap into and how much direct force is being thrown at the shield while she is using it. A stronger Electrokinetic could easily break it down over yet another undetermined amount of time.
Precision & Recharge: Having Shaali around means many things that run on electricity do not even have to be manually started or plugged in. From a distance or by a simple touch, she can become their power source, turning on her kettle with just a thought and starting her car before she even walks into the garage. This also means she can integrate with any device that has an electrical charge or the means to create such a thing within it. As a healer, she has tested every medical device she can find, one of her favourites being the TENs machine, where she has effectively become and/or influenced one relieving muscle aches and pains for both herself and others without forcing them to heal beyond their normal ability. She has also tapped into many Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors to regulate a patients heartbeat and travelled through the cords of an Electroencephalogram (EEG) to aid in the diagnostics and even healing of epilepsy and other disorders within the brain.
Further Extensions: She has yet to experience it, but this also means she could both control and enhance the same element created by other mutants with similar powers. Electricity also naturally causes sparks, allowing for her to be the source for Pyro's ability to control fire and work in tandem with him to create a firestorm.
Weaknesses: For all of the above, and just like she can become the source, Shaali is essentially a battery or electrical device herself. If she is running low on electricity she can’t do much for anyone. If she uses too much at one time she can greatly drain herself causing her to pass out and only come to once she’s been exposed to a great amount of power again. She is careful and has never needed to allow herself to get to this stage, recharging on a regular basis to keep things to an acceptable level she learnt was needed a long time ago.
Still, if this was to happen, provided she was found within a certain amount of time yet to be fully understood, someone else could easily use some sort of electrical device to bring her to. Other Electrokinetic mutants could also use their abilities to recharge her, something Shaali has never felt simply because she has yet to meet anyone else with the same powers like hers.
There is also the danger to those she is healing too. Shaali would never dream of ever using her gift to directly cause any physical damage or overload someone’s system to the point that she ends up killing them. However, if she is interrupted when healing, it can greatly hurt the patient. If forced to she could send so much electricity through their bodies it would burn them beyond recognition and, if something went wrong with her powers during the time she is healing, she may be left with more internal and external injuries to heal.
This is why Shaali is extremely careful who she heals, where she does it and exactly how. Over time is easier to manage. Instantly can only be achieved if the wound isn’t too great or if a life or death situation, which would then cause the patient to be out to it for quite a few days. The less time it takes the less chance she will have to suddenly stop or be caught doing it.
- Shaa
- Healer
- Evans
- Mummy
- Nicole Evans (Mother)
- Joseph Evans (Father)
- John Allerdyce (Pyro, Adopted Brother)
- Crystal Evans (Shrapnel, Adopted Daughter)
- Detective Robert Shaw (Good Friend)