Dark Brown
6' 1" (1.87m)
Of average height, with a strong muscular build from years of physical training based around law enforcement and a stringent gym workout routine, Ryan presents as someone who will take no nonsense from anyone. Add to that his black belt in Taekwondo earned by the age of eight and it’s clear Shaw is not someone to be easily messed with.
Due to his chosen career path, Shaw keeps his dark brown hair shaved short, sometimes allowing it to grow just that little bit longer before running an automatic razor set on number 2 or 3 through it again. He’s mostly always seen with a classic dark brown stubble covering the lower part of his face but has gone clean shaven or grown even longer facial hair where necessary in undercover missions.
An Aussie bloke through and through, Ryan is happy in anything from the classic denim jean, singlet and/or tank top with a light to thicker, short or long-sleeved flannelette shirt over the top, to the more dressier style formal shirts and darker jeans. Yes, jeans. They are what he feels the most comfortable in. He’s rarely seen in slacks or official business wear unless in full AFP uniform or, again, required for the character he is portraying while undercover.
AFP Uniform
- Navy blue long-sleeved work style shirt beneath a full bullet proof vest of the same colour with a black ammo belt within easy reach across the stomach.
- Navy blue work pants over black combat boots with a utility belt complete with pistol holder around the waist and a further larger storage belt around the knee.
- Entire outfit finished off with black biker style gloves and a specially made navy blue cap with the AFP emblem.
- Detective, Australian Federal Police (AFP)
- Agent of Nick Fury's Project E.X.O.D.U.S
- Daycare to Kindergarten when old enough.
- Primary School, Prep-Grade 6
- High School, Grade 7-12
- After graduating went straight on to Recruit Training at the AFP College in Canberra working his way through the 24-week live-on-campus Federal Police Development Program followed by on the job training and assessment for a year.
- Once graduated, applied for a position back in Queensland, taking what he could get until eventually settling where he really wanted to, in his home city of Brisbane.
- It was during this time in Brisbane that he was recruited by Nick Fury into Project E.X.O.D.U.S aiding in the location of wayward Australian based mutants (still deciding on exactly when).
- Around 8 or so years later, after working his way up to a Detective rank and meeting the other requirements, Shaw showed interest in the Federal Police Lateral Police Program (FPLP), his application accepted, going wherever they sent him over the next 12 years before finally returning to Brisbane.
- Shaw's greatest hobby is seeing to it that alternative forms of punishment to jail can be found for wayward kids, human or mutant, the reason he drew the attention of Nick Fury, the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., in the first place.
- Firearms, specifically those used in his AFP missions
- Restoring and riding Motorbikes
- Fishing or just chilling out on the open ocean
- Owns an Explorer 757 HT Cruise Craft
- Saving diligently for a Kifaru Askari 657 Yacht
- Earned a black belt in Taekwondo by the time he was eight, making him the youngest person in Australia to do so at the time.
- Tied in to the above, a member of the Australian National team for 8 years, a ten-time champion ranked fourth best in the world on three occasions.
- Extensive training in everything required by the Australian Federal Police Recruitment course, excelling in the areas of tracking, defense and firearms.
- Self-taught mechanical skills related to the maintenance of both motorbikes and boats.
Not applicable. Shaw is completely human.
- Detective
- Detective Shaw
- Various aliases held over his many undercover missions.
- Dylan Michael Shaw (Father)
- Kylie Emilia Shaw (Mother)
- Katie Emily Shaw (Younger Sister)
- Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Friend and Mentor)
- John Allerdyce (Close Friend, like a Son to him)
- Shaali Evans (Close Friend, like a Daughter to him)
- Crystal Evans (Shaali's Daughter so by proxy like a Grandchild to him)
- Sean Cassidy (Banshee, Close Friend, like an older Brother)
- Ireland Chase (Acquaintance met during an investigation related to her import/export business)
- Many others, both young and old he has helped or has become friends with over the years.
Pending... still in deep discussion regarding the character connections in the later parts of his history. If interested you can follow this here in his Plotting Thread.
Shaw has made many friends during his many years in the Australian Federal Police as well as drawn close to a chosen few of the younger kids, human and mutant he has helped over the years. Thus, please let me know if you have any interest in applying for a character with such a connection to him.