5' 4" (1.65m)
Of average height and build, Kiara is a very confident woman, presenting herself with the poise and determination of a self-made fashionista holding a managing position at one of the most prestigious fashion companies in New York City. This confidence is not to be mistaken for someone who thinks themselves better than others however. The cat shifter was brought up better than that.
Ithaca’s face stands out above all, slightly slanted catlike eyes accentuated even further by darker to almost nude coloured eyeliner. Her overall features seem to ooze the kitty nature even though no one would ever be the wiser unless already aware of her mutation. Long layered brown hair finishes off a natural beauty Kiara loves to make clear with a full face of varying types of makeup.
As mentioned, Ithaca loves the latest fashion, both her high-paying job and the creating and selling of her own clothing label allowing her to splash out and pick up the latest and greatest in style. In saying that, though, she still has a head on her shoulders, taught by her parents not to flaunt the fact she has a very good and steady income, nor waste it on too many unnecessary things at the one time. Thus, when Kiara buys something, it stays in her wardrobe, worn many times, not taken back and exchanged for something even better.
She had no favourite colours or styles in particular, except for maybe dresses long and flowing. However, because she cannot morph her clothes along with her into her cat forms, Kiara prefers the type of clothing that is easily foldable and still looks good even after being hidden under a bush somewhere for an extended period of time. The type of stuff that can be thrown in the back of a cupboard, forgotten about for a week yet when finally pulled out doesn’t need any ironing.
Except for the slight catlike slant of her eyes, her mutation is not visible unless she is morphing individual parts of her body, her favourite of which is changing the colour of her eyes. Please see her Mutant Powers/Enhancement section for more details.
Manager at Kate Spade New York Flagship, Upper East Side
- Fashion
- Makeup
- Cats
- Pending...
- Because one of her greatest loves is Fashion, from concept to creation, Tammy has become a master a clothing design.
- Pending...
Cat Shifter (Full): From the smallest to the biggest, Ithaca can change into any feline she so wishes.
Cat Shifter (Individual Body Parts): While in her human form, Tammy can also change individual areas of her body. For instance, her eyes to the color of her choice depending on the cat she is thinking about at the time, growing her nails into claws, and so on. She also has feline attributes such as agility, speed, dexterity, stealth, enhanced senses and so on
Stealth: Soon after learning what happened to her mother Ithaca developed a subconscious psionic ability to remain unnoticed simply by willing them not to see her. This works in both her human and cat forms. Once she realized what was happening and with help from her father she soon learned how to control who saw her and when.
NB: Will take me forever to fully list the abilities of each of the cat species so will focus mainly on my... ahem, I mean her favorites, lol.
These will give the gist of what most cats are capable of anyway.
- Domestic Shorthair:
- Tuxedo & Tabby:
- Ragdoll:
- Norwegian Forest Cat:
Siberian Tiger (White & Orange):
- Tam Tam
- Tora
- Issy
- Kit Kat
- Tigress
- Tabby
- Fluffball
- Fluffy
- Floofy
- Meow Meow
- Kitty Kitty
- Pussycat
- Kit Kit
- And the list of cat form nicknames goes on.
- Name TBD (Codename N/A, Mutant Father)
- Name TBD (Codename N/A, Mutant Mother, Deceased)
- Name TBD (Brother, thus far fully Human)