Standard kitty size
Simply put, Goose looks and acts like a normal, everyday, domesticated earth cat in every way. Smooches, purrs, meows, walks with full confidence and her tail held high. Orange fur with classic tabby cat markings offset beautiful green eyes, making them seem to pop. She's a gorgeous kitty, and, like all cats, she knows it.
Thing is, Goose is not an earth cat. She's a Flerken, and when she taps into the pocket dimensions within, her mouth opens wide to reveal many ridged octopus-like tentacles of varying sizes and length ready to attack, grab and consume.
She is also capable of many different human-like expressions, such as smiling, looking concerned, scared and so on.
Pet Cat
Same as every other cat:
- Food
- Cat toys
- Boxes
- Somewhere warm to sleep, especially her cat bed
- Scratching Posts | Lounge chairs | Anything else she can get her claws into
- Rolling in the dirt or on rocks to remove any old fur
- Playing with her human (also annoying them)
Then there are the humans she adores in her life:
- Fury
- Captain Marvel
- Captain America
Anything and everything a domesticated cat can do, Goose can do too:
- Jumping up high
- Running fast
- Hunting
- Playing and acting cute
- Seemingly appearing out of nowhere
- Staring at their owner
- Knowing when something is wrong and calming them
- Demanding smooches
- Meowing for attention
- and the list goes on...
Flerken Physiology
- This gives Goose access to pocket dimensions within her body, the true capability of which is as yet unknown. She's able to devour several things at once easily, thus suggesting at least some of these dimensions are quite vast.
Tentacle Extension
- Whether an object or a living being, one or many, Goose is able to open her mouth wide to the size needed to release the varying size tentacles she uses to devour whatever it is she wishes to at the time. These tentacles are heavily ridged and octopus in appearance, varying in length as well as size.
Superhuman Durability
- Since she is able to pull in and swallow whatever she chooses and still continue on as a normal kitty without any ill effects, it is clear her species possesses some sort of extra endurance.
Enhanced Senses
- Like all cats, Goose's sense of smell is far superior, completely ignoring Fury's request to use her tentacles on the nearby Kree Guards because she recognised one of them as the Skrull known as Talos in disguise.
- Goose is a healthy 50 years old, Flerkens obviously having a longer lifespan than normal domesticated cats.
Retractable Claws
- All cats have very sharp and formidable claws but it seems Flerken claws pack a lot more of a punch, or scratch, as in the case of Goose accidentally and permanently damaging Fury's eye.
- Cutest Thing
- Cool Cat
- Stowaway
- Flerken Kitty
- Hannibal Lecter
- Adorable Cat
- Goosey
- Mother Flerken
- Wendy Lawson (Mar-Vell) - Former Owner (Deceased)
- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) - Second Owner
- Nick Fury - Third Owner, shared with Carol
- Steve Rogers (Captain America) - Fourth Owner, shared with Danvers while Fury was Blipped
Not much is known about Goose's earlier history nor how she came to be 'owned' by Wendy Lawson, aka Mar-Vell, or for how long before the ginger Flerken clearly showed a liking to Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, one of the pilots Wendy was training at the time. The older woman explained Goose didn't take to people very often so it was especially surprising that she was now purring at her feet. Goose wasn't present when Mar-Vell lost her life trying to protect the source of power to the engine she had created from falling into Kree hands, Carol caught in the resultant explosion as Wendy made her promise to destroy it.
It was only when Fury and Carol (still thinking herself to be a member of the Kree Starforce known as Vers) turned up at the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility that the Flerken kitty realized she no longer would have to be on her own, recognising the latter immediately and heading straight over to Carol. Unfortunately, because she couldn't remember who she was, Vers ignored her so Goose went over to Fury instead. Nick's greeting was typical of one who likes domesticated kitty cats, the man as yet having no idea she was really an alien species known as a Flerken.
After they left her to continue on their mission, Goose followed at a distance, watching them from the end of the aisle as they searched for information on her former owner's space laboratory, a place that Goose had obviously been to and wished to return to again. She soon stowed away on the Quadjet they took to head to Maria Lambeau's farm, one of Carol's oldest friends who still to this day thought she was dead. She immediately jumped up on Vers' lap only for her to place the cat on the dashboard where she happily laid down and began purring. At the farm, Maria filled Danvers in on who she really was, and, it was the Skrull leader, Talos, who soon ousted Goose as really being a Flerken, something of which both Carol and Nick laughed off, believing the kitty was just that, a cat.
The Flerken soon accompanied Danvers, Fury, Rambeau, and Talos on their journey to space to find the much sought after energy core. Talos couldn't help but warn Nick that he shouldn't have Goose on his lap, the latter still none the wiser, joking around and saying that an alliance with a Skrull was just as dangerous and as long as Talos was afraid of the cat, he'd be keeping her close. In exiting Earth's atmosphere and thus losing gravity, Goose began to float around inside the ship, looking to be enjoying herself, at least at first, Fury soon reaching out so she could grab ahold of his arm just before the artificial gravity was finally activated.
It was soon discovered after landing on Mar-Vell's laboratory that the Tesseract was the source of the Light-Speed Engine, Goose very curiously having a closer look and touching it with her paw. Turns out that the energy source wasn't the only thing Talos had been interested in, Goose the only other one present who was aware that her former owner's lab had also been used as a place to hide other Skrull refugees. Talos' own wife and daughter were among them. After greetings and reassurances were exchanged, relief and happiness were then overridden by fear as the other members of the Kree Starforce Danvers had once been loyal to boarded and seized the ship. One of them, Att-Lass, began scanning those present to determine their species, Goose subsequently identified as a Flerken, dubbed extremely dangerous and given a muzzle before being locked in a small cage where the order was given to take her back to their ship.
It wasn't long before a confined Danvers, forced to connect with the Supreme Intelligence, was able to gain full control of her powers, allowing Goose and her companions to escape after she took out some of the ship's electronics. Carol then instructed Fury to take the lunchbox with the Tesseract in it and flee. Nick's refusal to do so eventually caused the Flerken cat to reveal her powers, her mouth opening wide to extend out the octopus-like tentacles stored within her pocket dimensions, using them to grab and devour the glowing blue cube all in a one go. The reactions of those present were classic and, under better circumstances, had she been able to, Goose may have even laughed, especially at Nick, who had cried out in shock and instantly dropped her.
While making their way to the hangar, Nick and Maria ran into a group of fully armed Kree soldiers, Goose soon letting loose her tentacles again, this time extending the full length of the hallway to grab and flail them around before once again pulling them back into a mouth that really should not have been anywhere near big enough. Very grateful for this, Fury and Rambeau continued on and as they were just about at the hangar they were confronted by another group of soldiers, these ones escorting the Skrull prisoners. Fury held up Goose demanding she do her thing but the Flerken refused because she recognised the Kree commander as being Talos in disguise, even so far as going over to smooch in and around his legs. Keeping up the appearance perfectly, Talos picked Goose up by the scruff of the neck and handed her to one of his subordinates. Within the hangar, Goose soon witnessed Talos end the lives of all the real Kree guards so they could board the Quadjet and head back home.
After leaving the laboratory behind, they were pursued by Minn-Erva, resulting in a dogfight that ended only after Maria shot her down. As much as Goose was also happy about their victory, later on, she reacted as any cat would when Fury's continued playing with her in celebration all became too much. The Flerken hissed and lashed out with her claws, accidentally scratching Fury's left eye. This sort of reaction from an angry cat could be ever so painful at the best of times but, even as Nick was brushing it off as nothing, it was Talos who noted Flerken scratches packed far more of a punch. Eventually, and much to Goose's honest regret, the injury would become permanent, blinding her friend.
While Captain Marvel left Earth to find a new home for the Skrull refugees, Goose stayed behind becoming Fury's new pet kitty, spending most of her time comfortably within his office. Her new owner never held it against her for what she had done to his eye, nor did he ever reveal the true cause of what happened to anyone else. Instead, he let Agent Coulson and many others believe in the rumours that were going around. When the whereabouts of the Tesseract was once again brought up during the briefing in Fury's office, glancing at Goose, Nick assured Coulson the energy source would eventually turn up again someday.
Shortly after that meeting, at an unknown exact time by anyone other than Goose herself, she jumped up onto Fury's desk in his office and began regurgitating, looking for all intents and purposes about ready to bring up a hairball. What came out was much larger and far more cube-like, the Tesseract once again reappearing from whatever pocket dimension she'd been keeping it in. From then on, Goose spent most of her time simply being Fury's office cat, quite often heading home with him. When Danvers returned on occasion, she did go with her into space but only ever on the shorter missions, always deciding to stay with Nick whenever she returned to Earth.
Because of this, and due to the Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters being located on Theodore Roosevelt Island in Washington DC, the Flerken wasn't always by Fury's side when he was off doing his thing. From starting to recruit the Avengers, which she'd only seen him write up a proposal for on his computer, to travelling the world on whatever missions he was needed for. With many more briefings quite often happening within his office, she became aware of some of the bigger events, never a part of them directly herself. She did like to keep a good eye on her owner, though, often being the very stress relief he so often needed when doing up a report or sitting there obviously worried about something going on.
In 2014, during the events of Project Insight, Goose remained safe within Fury's office however did manage to lay her eyes on a few of the Avengers in person while out on one of her many explorations and traversings of the HQ. Curiosity eventually got the better of her and she couldn't help but follow some of them around, watching from a distance, especially a man in a suit that looked like the American flag. Thus, she was present when Rogers confronted Fury about the secrets he was keeping but not seen by either as she chose to again only observe. She was not quick enough to sneak onto the elevator with them so instead took her own way down to the Insight Bays, the hangars beneath the Triskelion where the Helicarriers making up Project Insight were located. The Flerken came to like the way this Captain America presented himself and very much appreciated his stand against what Fury was trying to achieve.
Goose saw how worried Fury became after checking the file Romanoff had secured from the Lemurian Star, staying behind when he went to report his findings to the World Security Council. Something was clearly wrong but there wasn't much the little Flerken could do about it, so she went back to her cat bed only to be jolted out of her sleep later by the sound of one of the Quinjets firing at something. She couldn't quite see what was going on from the window in Fury's office but, when she did eventually find out what had happened, did not believe for one second such a man as Steve Rogers was responsible for harming Fury in any way. If anything, she knew he would've been one of the few the Director trusted the most.
The Flerken found out a few things by observation alone, learning that a much-trusted friend of Fury's was behind everything that was currently happening but unfortunately unable to help. She did see Captain America, Falcon and Maria Hill infiltrate the Triskelion, there when Rogers made his announcement about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s infiltration by Hydra. Unseen by anyone other than the ones nearby who soon revealed themselves to be Hydra agents trying to get into the communications room, Goose opened her mouth, wrapped them in her tentacles and took them deep within to one of her many pocket dimensions. While Captain America and his team went off to stop the Helicarriers, Goose helped in the only way such a small Flerken kitty could. She went around devouring any and all other Hydra infiltrators she managed to find.
When all personnel were ordered to evacuate, Goose refused, remaining to help until an agent picked her up and carried her aboard one of the departing Quinjets. She didn't like that idea one little bit, complying only because she really didn't have a choice. It goes without saying Goose was beyond relieved when the rumours that her beloved owner had been assassinated turned out to be untrue, reunited with him later. She then went with Fury into hiding while he concentrated his efforts on destroying all of the remaining Hydra cells. Goose was present when Nick made Coulson the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and soon relocated with him to the new Helicarrier once it was ready thus she was on board when it was used to rescue the stranded civilian population of Sokovia.
She was also there while Fury oversaw the construction of the New Avengers Facility in New York where she was able to return to simply being a cat and observing what was going on for quite some time. From a safe distance lounging on a railing far above, she rather enjoyed watching the training sessions for Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon and War Machine. Goose chose to stay at the new HQ rather than accompany Nick back on his underground operations and from there was often picked up by Carol whenever she returned to Earth. Most of the time, Goose stayed behind when Danvers left again, but it was while on one of the shorter missions that Thanos' Snap occurred, Goose lying very close to Danvers when Fury's distress call came through. It wasn't until after they returned to Earth that the Flerken found out her beloved Nicky Fury was gone.
Remaining at the Avengers HQ with those who had survived, Goose very quickly attached herself to one of the surviving members she was more than relieved had not also been taken in the decimation. Captain America someone she could trust to look after her whenever Danvers had to leave the planet. She followed him everywhere, always sure never to interrupt anything major or serious, the pain of losing Fury causing her to watch him and the others very closely. She spent her time comforting the survivors whenever she could, jumping up onto Romanoff's desk and purring, giving Rogers meows of reassurance and smooches, Carol proper kitty hugs, and the others, whatever they'd allow her to do whenever she felt it necessary.
Being of comfort to the remaining Avengers helped her cope for those five years without Fury and so many others she had come to know. The world outside was torn apart, Goose well aware she was one of the fortunate ones to have survived, still sometimes wishing she hadn't, though. It would've been easier that way, not having to live through all that pain and desolation, the aftermath of the Snap forever etched on the Flerken's mind.
Naturally, she was ecstatic to learn of the possibility of everything that had happened being overturned, or, at least their companions and the rest of the people and animals that'd died being returned to them. She watched with interest in the background as the remaining Avengers set about going back in time to locate the varying Infinity Stones, found herself waiting with bated breath as Banner used them all in hopes of restoring everything, only to have the moment taken away when she was one of the first to notice Thanos' ship outside the HQ windows. With only moments to register what was about to happen, Goose decided there was no point trying to run, simply prepared herself for what was to come. After Thanos' ship opened fire, she fell down into the sewers as the floors gave way beneath her.
Thankfully, Goose was so small, the section of the floor she was currently under had been stopped from actually crushing her only by the other debris holding it up. Managing to free herself and climb out, paws soon hit rushing water from burst water mains. She wasn't sure which way to go first, her attention soon drawn by the sound of someone else clearly alive down there. She moved to find out who it was, spotting Hawkeye seemingly running for his life from creatures she only heard until they too ran past the opening she'd was about four metres away from. Using the rubble for cover, their attention thankfully focused fully on Clint for whatever reason, Goose followed, looking for a chance to help in some way. It came when Hawkeye climbed upwards through a hatch and while he was finishing off the Out Riders that came up after him, Goose proceeded to let her tentacles fly, grabbing those still remaining below. After beating them up a bit, she then devoured them whole, almost smiling to herself when she heard Hawkeye's surprised reaction that no more seemed to be coming up after him, the man, of course, completely unaware as to why.
Goose made her way out of the sewers, soon using her small stature and quick movements to weave in and out of the area of battle she came upon while quite literally eating whatever nasty she could. Losing count of just how many she managed to trap within her pocket dimensions, a couple she was in the process of grabbing suddenly dusted away, it clear the batter was finally over. In the aftermath, she came across those she recognised mourning the loss of Tony Stark, Goose soon realizing he was the reason all the bad guys were gone. Even in that very sad moment, and while standing very close to Carol, she was looking around for her beloved Fury. With everyone soon kneeling out of respect for the man who had died, keen hearing picked up on something coming towards them from above, Goose looking up to see the form of a giant firebird landing directly in front of Stark.
It took a few moments for the flames to finally die down enough to see it was a rather striking woman with beautiful long red hair the Flerken didn't recognise. This lady then proceeded to lean down and tell Stark that balance had been restored and it wasn't time for his flame to be extinguished just yet. A small amount of fire left the woman's hand, Goose obviously not the only one shocked to see Tony's wounds begin to heal, absolutely beside themselves with joy when Ironman opened his eyes once again!
Goose found herself finally reunited with Fury at Black Widow's funeral, both overjoyed and extremely sad all at the same time. Everyone that had been dusted had been returned to them. A man that'd made the ultimate sacrifice had even been deemed worthy enough to be resurrected by a powerful cosmic force. But, those that'd lost their lives just before or sometime after the Snap were still very much gone. She would miss the loving pats from Natasha Romanoff the most, and watching Vision during his training sessions.
All of the Avengers were the reason why, after five long years, Goose was now back by Nick Fury's side, this time aboard an orbiting space station above Earth known as The Peak, once again able to just be a cat again. She would never forget what they had done and, even now, almost nine months later, was also pretty sure she was never going to let Fury out of her sight ever again!
At least, not if she could help it.