Dec 1
5'2' (1.58m)
Long length, fluffy green hair covers the teenager's head. At the back, it ends just at her upper back, no hair went to her front, likewise, none of that hair got into her face. Her eyebrows are thin, and also looked to be a brown color; her eyes Violet. The teen has slightly chubby cheeks, but not too much. The teen has a bracelet on her right shoulder, there is a chill coming from the bracelet but it is hardly noticeable. She has a purity ring on her ring finger.
The clothing the Green-haired teen wears is simple non-revealing clothing, the shirt dark blue with simple designs with the buttons in the appropriate places. The pants are the same, only she has no buttons or anything to make the pants tighter. What covers her feet are usually runners for outdoors or for physical activity while slippers for her dorm room. Sachu can also sometimes be seen wearing a lab coat and a pair of latex white gloves. This, however, is only on certain days.
Part-time lab assistant for Dr Henry McCoy (Beast)
- She had completed Elementary school, as a prodigy, having wheezed in Mathematics like nothing. She currently has trouble in PE, and also Science, mostly the dissecting part.
- Has mastered control over her powers
- Reading
- Playing games
- Has knowledge with technology, and the proper procedures in a lab environment.
Sachura’s mutant powers reside in the ability to absorb the heat from things such as, the stove, cooking a meal, from the Sun on a very hot day, or the Desert, perhaps even a Volcano.
Shooting: After absorbing Heat from the said sources, she has the ability to shoot blasts of it at her opponents. She does this by clutching her fist and basically moving it back and forth, almost like a gun. She later could make herself into a turret shape, and shoot; as in standing up straight, putting her head to her arms, and her arms stretched forward.
Stored: After absorbing the heat into herself her body can store it for later use. Her limit, however, is about two days. If she keeps the heat energy stored longer her body starts to sweat, then later, starts to burn, showing intense signs of a harsh sickness brewing. Even if she were to release the heat energy, she will still be sick but become slightly worse.
Secondary Mutation: After absorbing the Heat, the air around her gives off a faint chill. The plants around seem to freeze up, almost like they were under some kind of ice. Whoever touches her say that she’s very cold. Also when she uses the stored powers, her eyes seem to glow red, also look almost like a demon's.
Control: She has control over the shooting heat part of her mutation. But not of the storing, the storing part was automatic. She also has the ability to cause a big bang of heat, however, if there was a sudden flash of light, she won’t be able to use her ability, for at least a few minutes.
Weaknesses: She is weak to sudden light, mostly because to sudden light her eyes are sensitive. For her powers, she is unable to use her powers if the area where she is located is as cold as a Freezer. If she has used her powers or stored the heat in her body and then was captured and put in a cold place, where she uses them to try to escape, it wouldn’t work. Instead, her clothes would burn off, and there would be some first degree burns on her form.
As mentioned in the storing part she will get worse in her illness, so bad it would look like she was burned worse. Also, there look to be bad warts form on her body, this seems to give her a lot of pain.
- Heatblast
- Honey
- Natalie Weeyico (Mother)
- Dr Hank McCoy/Beast (Mentor)
Sachura was born to Natalie Weeyico, a kind woman who owned a flower shop in the land that was North Salem. The two were really Canadian refugees, escaping a harsh drought, and hardships, in their Canadian home. Before Sachura was born, Natalie signed the papers and did everything that made herself a legal American citizen. And with her work, she had made a lot of friends and had a great life. That was until a drunken man crashed into her home, and had some not nice fun with her, resulting in a pregnancy. Her friends living across the street, some in their own shops, came to her aid and fought the man off. Landing him in jail.
Due to Natalie’s beliefs, she gave birth to Sachura, after some trouble with naming her daughter. She couldn’t decide between, Michelle, Sachura, and Cherrie. So she decided on Sachura. The two girls grew up well together, despite all the problems they had, I.E. Sachura getting bad grades because of her fear. Her mother helped her through it all, and Sachura got out of Elementary school.
Before she got into high school, however, her powers manifested. The location, a sauna, so it was very warm. Her body absorbed the heat, causing the area to become cold. The people there didn't like it and started to look for a cause. A man moved in front of her, causing her to shriek, and shoot a blast of heat at him. this, of course, hurt him severely. The others, seeing this, then accused her of making it cold. They started to attack her, calling her bad names. She ran away from the area and didn't go home for a very long time.
But she had found others, others with powers, one man who she learned was Puma, had protected her, though she thought he was rude until he saw she had powers also. She soon led Puma and some unnamed Mutants to where her mother owned a flower shop. She felt a chill go up to her spine, also felt her heart beating faster, as she started to panic. There were dogs all over the flower shop, as well as piles of them. These were dead dogs, and under the pile was her mother, her mother had a lot of bites and scratches, but she had survived.
The men carried her and Sachura back to the institute. Seeing her mother in that condition, also with tubes and wires going to her was too much for the green-haired girl. So she left the room and sat on the steps inside the school. It was here where she started to cry, worse so when a S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier started bothering her trying to get her to go to the danger room.
Here was also where she met Noble Nathaniel or as he was better known as Dark Voltage. He shooed the S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier away and comforted her, telling her that her mother was going to be fine. He would later take her to the danger room, where she stayed for the rest of the time until the others arrived. The girl was a little too shy to meet the other people, so she stayed put. Not even the calm Danger Room scenery phased her much at that point.
She later learned that her mother spoke to Dark voltage and explained to him what help she needed him to do and that she was afraid of men. He had agreed that he will help the green-haired child to get over her fear.
Soon the battle of the Dogs was over, and her mother was out of the Medlab, though bandaged up but was too weak to go back to her work. She still rested in the medlab for two days before she enrolled Sachura into the school. However, before she did though she took a tour with Scott and Storm. Looking at the school asking the two adults questions, wanting to know if her daughter was going to be very happy here. Then Natalie Weeyico said her goodbyes to her daughter letting Scott and Ororo take her and a few other students on a tour of the school, it was also here where she got her room, though it was a guest room until her own room could be found.
The next morning she was reunited with Dark Voltage again along with three dogs which gave her a scare, and a man which gave her even more of a scare, to the point a blast of heat appeared in her hand. Nathaniel managed to keep her calm with some very well-chosen words, and the ball was reabsorbed back into her form.
She also met Mirar then and found the girl to be her age, which Sachura liked. A few months passed while she was at the school, she learned normal high school stuff, failing at math. She didn’t feel too bad after talking to her mother, who confessed that no Weeyico was good at math, just like no Weeyico was good at science but Sachura was good at science. She was excelling in that.
Later she went to to the Professor with a very professional resume, wanting to get a job at the school, so that she could start receiving some money, but the Professor turned her down saying that she didn’t have to worry. There was a budget for students, and so using her budget and also what her mother gave her she went to the mall where she met Beast, Jubilee and Siryn. She found a Chinese outfit she really liked but was unable to pay for it.
After this, the group moved away, and she leaned against the wall, her legs needing some rest. Though her rest was shortlived due to what happened next, reddish bits, like an allergic reaction, appeared all over her form, also her body temperature skyrocketed, causing the glass she was leaning against to melt. Stealing a big jacket that covered her all up, she ran away. Not arriving at the institute until the next day.
When she did arrive the nurse at the medlab sent for her advisor Storm, who saw the rashes, also felt the heat. The two women worked out that there was a limit to how long she could absorb the heat, therefore she needed to shoot some of it out in order to stay normal.
A few more days had passed and she found and managed to get into the danger room, she remembered this place from where she had been held while the canines were causing trouble. She also thought others were here, but she learned those were just shadows, soon Dark Voltage arrived and the two went on a Danger room session, trying to get into a castle without causing damage. It was also here where she received her codename, Heatblast. The kid got to explore the castle and don an armour just her size.
A few days passed before she found the courage and time to go see the Professor again, on that day though, her cheeks were covered in blood as was her pillow. It wasn't until the Professor told her that she realized this, though she did wonder why people were looking so concerned at her. With Kurt, who she met at the same time’s teleporting abilities, and with the Professor's help, the blood was cleaned off revealing no cut on her cheek. She later learned that Hank, who she had met previously could make something for her so that she didn’t have to worry about absorbing heat. This she was happy about. She soon met Jean, who then left, mostly because they had the handle of things, but told the green-haired one if there was anything she needed to talk about than Phoenix was there. Sachura didn’t know it but the offer would be used later in her time at school.
She left that day looking for Beast but missing him. Though she did finally meet up the day after she signed up for the special Danger room session. She was at the day room and hearing him come, she scampered into the closet, having been frightened, though seeing it was Beast she calmed and exited. She also noticed that he had a parcel which when she opened it was Chinese clothes, a present for the youngster.
After this she spoke to him about something she could wear so that the absorbing could be stopped until she needed the heat, she also reminded him about the special Danger Room session, which he thanked her for and told her after her session to come to find him.
On the day of the session, she awoke early, and had gone down wearing something for the session and was skating around while she waited for the others. The session was quite dramatic, and energy wearing. It also found her falling fast asleep near the end, and Sachura had to be removed for her safety.
The next day in the afternoon was when she finally spoke and was exploring the school, it looked deserted to her, as a lot of the students were either away or doing a session. She met two women in the music room, one was Panthera who she had seen and met previously; the other, Switch someone she hadn't met yet.
When asked if she had any music requests, Sachu gave her two.
A couple of days have passed since then. The teenager had been conned into buying a bike, which made her very angry, but later she had gotten a solution from Beast to take some of the rust away now she needed to find Mimic to get his help in repairing it. Also from Beast, she learned what their first project together was, a robot one named Anima. They got the simulation done and they were going to show Sachura's mother what they would be making.