An Afternoon Drink

Started by Ireland Chase at Apr 06, 2020 2:54 AM
November 16, 2023
37 Posts

Ireland Chase

?Years Young
26 Posts

Each year the world gets a little bit smaller, and that fact frightens me.

I find my peace at sea, under a blanket of endless stars.

Ireland looked over the table to Lied. She took a deep breath and looked out over the empty clue, letting out a sigh as she shifted her gaze back to their table. She shook her head subtly. “Maybe talking about it to someone new will help,” she mused. “While I appreciate the offer to move to your office, privacy isn’t super important. Though I admit it is a topic I do not talk to others about,” Ireland admitted.

She took a moment to stretch out her arms, and then rolled her shoulder’s back. “So, I have a daughter,” her body froze for a moment. Then after a moment her shoulders relaxed some. The world in fact did not end when she said those words out loud in front of someone else. “She’s not part of my life though. Too many complications. Today happens to be her birthday. So, I always feel extra guilty around this time. Thus the day drinking,” her hands gesturing to her drink with a sad chuckle.

Lied Nova

Speeding Hawk
?Years Young
20 Posts

Lied felt surprised in herself for even asking about it, but she felt pleased that Ireland was willing to talk about what was bothering her. Though what had been bothering her definitely surprised her, since she hadn’t realized that Ireland had a daughter. She nodded her head in understanding as she processes the information. Unfortunately, she didn’t have children, she did want them sure, but she didn’t have them. Though now that she thought of it, her Torque was kinda her daughter so she did know what it was like to have a child.

She knew that if something happened to her, Lied would be upset, perhaps enough to drink as Ireland had been? “I can see how that will cause guilt,” she said after a while of processing the information. The two of them had just met, but she wondered if they were friends enough for her to ask for the details. She didn’t want her to become uncomfortable.  In the end, she decided to go with the diplomatic. “Would you feel comfortable telling me about these too many complications?” She thought that was the better way to ask.

Ireland Chase

?Years Young
26 Posts

Each year the world gets a little bit smaller, and that fact frightens me.

I find my peace at sea, under a blanket of endless stars.

“No,” she replied rather decisively. Pointing her finger upwards as did.

Taking a breath, she looked over to Lied. “I wish I could, but there are elements that could impact her safety and my own,” Ireland hoped that it would be enough for her. It was always awkward, and sometimes turned into a sensitive topic, when someone turned down an offer to confide in them. “Perhaps one day our new friendship will be deep enough that we will feel secure enough to confide in each other that way. One day,” Ireland offered with a small smile.

Looking down at her drinks again she debated on which one to grab. Deciding on her iced drink she took a long sip, “It feels nice just to say I miss her out loud.” She let out a relaxing sigh.

Lied Nova

Speeding Hawk
?Years Young
20 Posts

Lied acknowledged the No with a nod of acceptance. She knew that if she wanted her Nightclub to be a neutral ground, she shouldn’t try to force anyone to say or do anything, especially since Ireland wasn’t attacking her, or doing things that she would not consider Neutral.

She didn’t feel sure that she wanted to say or ask anything that would compromise Ireland’s daughter’s safety.While she wasn’t sure if Ireland was a mutant, there was still a chance her daughter was, and Brotherhood members aren’t against mutants as far as what her father had told her. “Perhaps you’re right,” she commented on Ireland’s mention of their budding friendship developments.

She nodded to her latest statement. ”Yeah, I bet it does. Losing children has to be the hardest thing ever, not being able to hug them, tell them your proud of their accomplishments. “

Ireland Chase

?Years Young
26 Posts

Each year the world gets a little bit smaller, and that fact frightens me.

I find my peace at sea, under a blanket of endless stars.

Ireland took another sip of her drink as she listened to Lied. She tilted her head to the side as she mentally debated what the women had said, “Losing a child...if I thought that I had lost her then I believe it would be impossible to live past that. So I choose not to think of it that way. Instead I choose to believe I saved her. I had my time with her, and I loved that time. Then, when my time was up, I made sure she was cared for by people she already knew and thought of as extended family.”

She smiled softly to herself as she recalled the process she went through when she made the arrangements. After a moment her smile faded, “Around her birthday I get a letter with updates and photos. I have one of those letters at present.” Her gaze lowered to her glass, her hands wrapped around it. “I always have to work up the nerve to actually open it. A drink or five usually helps with that,” she half chuckled.

Lied Nova

Speeding Hawk
?Years Young
20 Posts

Lied hadn’t realized she might have miss spoken though the Feral had assumed that based on the conversation that Ireland and Lied were having, and based on how she was drinking and seeming to be depressed, at least to her.  She listened as she spoke and nodded her head silently in understanding. She understood the feeling of wanting to keep her child safe, she knew that she might not want her offspring to tangle with the X-men, simply because she didn’t want her child to be hurt.

Then again with her and Lobo’s genes, the offspring will be great and probably could take care of itself. “I see, so that’s why you drink” she nodded at the end before adding “I hope my club’s drinks had helped, and if you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there,” she said though she couldn’t help but wonder if Ireland was a Human or a Mutant.

Ireland Chase

?Years Young
26 Posts

Each year the world gets a little bit smaller, and that fact frightens me.

I find my peace at sea, under a blanket of endless stars.

“You have been a very generous hosted,” Ireland shared with a smile. “Thank you for letting me linger in a dark corner with some scrumptious drinks,” she added with a slight chuckle at the end. “My mood has much improved. Far more than drinking alone could have accomplished,” Ireland knew all too well that drinking alone had a tendency to lead to more sorrowful thoughts and tears. Surely her liver would appreciate not having to take as long to recover from this years birthday depression.