Crystal Evans

"Mama's girl, Uncle's favorite Niece,Grandma's angel! And the Youngest Motorcycle Rider"
Crystal smiles as the kind and sweet pixy told her to let her know if she needed help finding something. The ten-year-old figured that having been longer than she was, Amp would know where everything was. “Ok, cereal, check, milk, check, spoon, check... What am I missing?” she asked mostly to herself before she glanced over to Amp and saw her dealing with a napkin which seemed so huge compared to her little friend.
That’s when she realized she’ll need to have a napkin to clean her hands, but she couldn’t help but wonder if fairies ate napkins. She realized she had another question for her friend.
Amp's focus was on folding the napkin, as large as it was for her, so she didn't look up as Crystal rattled off her breakfast checklist. "A bowl," she replied. Kneeling on the napkin as both hands smoothed over the fold in order to create a crease. "A bowl is most helpful when having cereal. Fruit is good to eat too," she added. "Kitchen has lots of different fruits for all the different loved ones," the pixy shared. Pushing the folded napkin into place, before standing up to admire her work.
“Oh yes! You're right, mummy always puts cereal in the bowl for me” She said as she thought of the kind and sweet Shaali. The ten-year-old has always felt she was lucky when Shaali had found her. The young girl knew Amp might not be able to bring a bowl to her so she went searching and carefully used a chair to get up to the counter level where she found a decent-sized down.
She quickly got down and brought the bowl to her spot. “Fruit? I’ve never had fruit with my cereal” She stated to her friend.
Amp looked up from her napkin and towards her newest precious. "I sees some precious cut up banana and put it into their cereals. But most precious just eats it on its own. Teachers say is all part of balanced eating," she explained. Her arms reached out to the side as if a scale teetering to keep an even weight on both sides. "If too much for precious to eat then can just have cereal. So long as precious is full and happy all is well," she assured her.
Crystal listened as Amp explained about fruit to her and she thought about doing so, but in the end, she decided against putting bananas in her cereal. She thought her breakfast was yummy enough without it. She brought things to her side and she ate her breakfast, while making sure she wasn’t making a mess like the good girl she was. Once done, she put her bowl and spoon in the dishwasher and chose to let an adult deal with it. “That was yummy!”
While Crystal ate her breakfast Amp retrieved a blueberry from the fruit basket for herself. She found a coaster on the counter to sit on, saving her little body from sitting directly on the cold countertop. As the little pixy ate she quietly hummed to herself, a happy made-up melody in ode to the joys of eating.
Crystal was a much faster eater then Amp. She was still finishing her berry as the child put her dishes in the washer. "What would precious like to do next?" She asked curiously.
Crystal glanced over to her littlest friend at the mansion. She waited patiently for her to finish eating and she couldn’t help but think of how much food Amp could eat. “Normally I go play or read something, but I kinda want to explore? would you like to give me a tour?’ she asked her.
The pixy had a mouth full of berry when Crystal asked her question. Though the pixy couldn't verbally respond, yet, her wings gave a flutter of excitement. Which caused her to lift slightly into the air. After quickly chewing what was left in her mouth, Amp quickly swallowed. "Amp is the best at giving tours. I's knows all the places cause am so little and don't need as much sleep as all the precious loved ones do," she began to explain as she moved closer to her young charge. "What would Precious like to see first? Amp must say we can't go outside until at least one grown-up is awake. Amp got in trouble last time I's took tiny precious outside so early," owning up to her past mistake.
Crystal could tell that Amp was getting excited about the question the youngest of the two was asking. When she was told that Amp was the best tour guide, she smiled with pleasure, but nodded in understanding of her next statement. She recalled the lecture Shaali had given her when she’d woken up early a year ago and had walked outside. “I did that once too, they weren't happy about that,” she said though remembering how it had shown her that she had loved ones in her life that cared about her.
Amp nodded her head in understanindg. Both having first hand experience when it came to getting in trouble when it came to managing their need to explore. "To help precious Amp will write down list of inside places we can go to on imaginary chalk board," she explained. Moving to hover a short distance in front of Crystal, Amp began to write on her imaginary board with her imaginary chalk. "Amp use her extra special rainbow glitter chalk for list," glancing over her shoulder at her charge. So Crystal would know how special this unseen list was, "Amp's Grand Rainbow Tour. Exclusively for Shiny Precious. Locations include: Kitchen...which we've already seen, but I could still show you the pantry and some of the best hiding place, dining room, sitting room, tv room, library, classrooms, playroom, sun room...which won't have sun right now cause it's still sleeping. There's storage rooms in the first sub-floor...there's lots of boxes there. And it's where they keep all the decoration. Amp likes looking at the Christmas tree decorations sometimes. Oh and taking naps in the shiny garland is so lovely. You's just has to be careful...cause the Halloween decorations are down there too. Amp has been scared a few times." Her little arm scribbling in the air as she spoke every single word. As she began to ramble her scribblings began to curl into unique shapes as her imaginary board warped into what ever shape she needed.
Like a well-behaved girl, Crystal sat and listened as Amp began giving the 10-year-old an important lesson. Though the board couldn’t be seen by the young girl, she knew that it was an imaginary board, so her imagination began allowing her to “see “ so to speak what’s on the board and she saw Amp’s beautiful writing. She also listened to the places they could go and play in and smiled at the thought of the sun sleeping, the sleepyhead! She nodded in understanding and sympathy as Amp mentioned that there were scary things down there. The thoughts of hiding places caught her attention, and she realized that with how big the mansion was, she could hide in more places than where she used to live. She couldn’t wait to bring her mother and uncle in on the fun too that might be had. “So many cool places!” she couldn’t help but comment.
Finishing her list Amp turned around, making sure she flew down to eye level for where Crystal was sitting. "So where would Precious like to go?" She asked, her head tipping to the side as she listened for an answer. Her long pigtails, now swinging slight behind her as her head dropped to the side.