Required Reading

Allowed Character Concepts

  • Before jumping in to create your first character, please read the Allowed Character Concepts page. It tells you what types of characters that MPIW accepts.

Character Bios

  • It is recommended that you browse and read some of the character bios to get an idea of what is expected.

Playby List

  • Check the Playby (Face Claim) list.

How to Create a Character

Creating A New Character

To add a new character, NPC, or to manage (edit) your character…

  1. Click on your Username.
  2. Choose Manage Characters.
  3. Select Create Character, Create Non-Player Character, or Manage (edit) which is to the right, beneath the character you wish to edit.
  4. When you click on Create or Manage, you will be taken into the bio form. Before going further, we are going to deal with the Ready to Play and Save options.

Do NOT click Ready for Play until you have filled out the entire profile form! If you do accidentally click it, let an admin know that it is not ready for review.

DO CLICK SAVE OFTEN! Yes, this is a bit of a pain as it takes you out of the profile and you have to click Manage and go back to where you were. However, this is better than the risk of losing all of your work.

Ready for Play: When your character is complete, click Ready for Play. This will send an alert to the site's admin. They will review the character with you privately.

Character Sheet

You can copy the below template and fill it out offline - or - use it as a guide as you create your character on our site. If you work on your characters on our site, you should save it often. Completing your character sheet will be easier if you take a few moments and read this template and the notes under each field.


Please leave fields blank that are not applicable to your character. This removes them from displaying on the character's profile page. The document below mirrors our on-site character sheet. When you are ready to create your character, you will need to fill the actual form out here.

Section 1: Standard

This section is built into the site and includes the core information required to set-up your character. We strongly recommend that you save your character after inputting these fields and then complete it.

First Name

  • Character's first name or the name they go by.

Middle Name

  • Optional: Character's middle name.

Last Name

  • Character's last name.


  • Code name if applicable. Otherwise, leave blank.


  • Choose the faction your character is allied with or belongs to.

Personal Quote

  • Optional: Short blurb or saying. Leave blank if not used.


  • You may add a character signature. Maximum size = 750 x 250.

Section 2: Biography

Please read the field's help-notes carefully! Leave the fields that do not apply to your character blank.

Tab 1: ID Card

Code Name

  • Character's code name if applicable.


  • Human, Homo-Superior, New Mutant, Alien (please include type), Android, Robot, and so on.

Birth Date


Survivor or Vanished

  • Very important. How did the events of the decimation affect them? Here we just need either Survivor or Vanished but please be sure to include more detail in the history of your character.

Eye Color

  • Base eye color, limit to one or two words.

Hair Color

  • Base hair color, limit to one or two words.


  • Specify in feet and inches (example: 6'3")

Physical Description

  • Add physical details here. You can include things like hair style, grooming, marks, tattoos, mutant-specific physical traits, clothing style, etc.


  • One or two word job / employment / profession. Example: Teacher or Intelligence Operative, etc.


  • Simple, comma-separated list of the subjects the character teaches. Please do not try using HTML in this field.


  • Name of character's playby (i.e. face claim).

Tab 3: Skills and Abilities

Education and Training

  • List formal education and any training the character has received.

Hobbies and Interests

  • List hobbies and interests.

General Skills

  • General non-mutant skills.

Mutant Powers / Enhancements

  • List character's mutant powers/abilities, describe them and include weaknesses overall or for each ability.

Tab 4: Background


  • List any aliases the character has used, former code names, real name if different from the one listed in the Standard Section.


  • Game relevant relationships (family, friends, romance, etc).


  • Character's personal history. What shaped their personality and made them who they are today. You do not have to write a novel in this section, just hit the major life-events.

Tab 5: OOC Notes

Player Notes

  • Optional: Anything you want to add about the character. Your writing goals for them, etc. Leave blank if not applicable.

Character Notes

  • Optional: Add anything not covered in the other fields.

Section 3: Images


  • Size: 230 x 230 (1:1 ratio, square); You may upload more than one character avatar. The site will rotate between them each time the page is refreshed.

Secondary Images

  • Size: 230 x 400 (portrait); The Secondary Images are the images that appear in the author panel (next to your posts). You may upload more than one image. the site will rotate between them each time the page is refreshed.


  • The character gallery is a good place to put images of homes, costumes, weapons, additional character images, etc.
  • Size: There is not a set size for gallery images. Please limit your gallery pics to a max of 980 (width or height).