Going to start with the Banned Character Concepts.
Most RPGs have them and MPIW is no different.
- Please follow the Fox/Marvel and MCU movies and T.V. shows to set up your characters where possible. If your character was only a very minor part of these or not in them at all then you have the freedom to change their background, personality, and even their powers.
- However, we ask that their core nature, gender, and sexuality stay the same. No making a female character male, a male character female, a clear straight character gay or a definite gay character straight.
- Need help? Feel free to either discuss it with us on Discord or, if you are not comfortable using this then post up your idea in our Cerebro forum and we’ll gladly help you sort it out.
Canon & OC
We accept Mutant Based Powers ONLY. Absolutely none of the fantasy or supernatural elements below:
- Angels
- Demons
- Divination
- Dragons
- Ghosts or talking to the dead at all
- Goblins
- Psychics (Fortune Telling/Seances/Card, Tea Leaf and Palm Reading)
- Trolls
- Vampires or blood-related of any sort
- Werewolves
- Witches
- Wizards and Sorcerers
- Zombies/The Undead/Reanimated
As with most things, there are always exceptions to the above, where something may look like one thing but really doesn’t fall into the magic-based stuff at all. Take the MCU’s Dr. Strange, for instance. Yes, he is referred to as a Sorcerer, a Wizard and a Master of the Mystic Arts but this is portrayed in the movies far different than he ever was in the comics. Reality warping, time travel, teleporting portals, timeline and reality protection are all powers acceptable here at MPIW.
On a similar note, normal animal-based shapeshifting – full and half-form - is absolutely fine. We have canine and feline feral based mutants and shapeshifters in abundance and welcome any other types of real animal-based characters as well.
Lastly, in our past RPG Canon characters with obvious magical additions were often reimagined to make them clearly only mutant. For example, while it remains to be seen just how she is portrayed in The New Mutants movie, Magik was simply a mutant with the power to use her teleporting discs. If interest is shown in the sword and armour, then it can simply be her preferred weapon and uniform. Other ways can also be found to explain where it comes from, such as nanite forming and technological based.
Character Growth
- While we accept characters with a dark past, we ask that clear growth is shown throughout the course of the story. Characters that remain brooding and emotional for no other reason than to constantly cause problems for everyone else will be removed or sent to a psychiatrist which they obviously so desperately need. If the latter is chosen the character will be expected to attend regular sessions until some sort of change is seen.
Okay, now on to the Allowed Character Concepts and boy, have we opened up the universe a lot since our last time around!
It is clear we’re expanding beyond the X-Men and out into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. So far, we have character/s for The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.O.R.D, Mutant X, of which we are renewing, developing and keeping alive the show that was so abruptly cancelled, and incorporating both The Gifted and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. into our site’s lore as well.
We even have a Flerken in play, of all things!
Faction Breakdown
Note: Please read carefully. Some factions are seeking Canon members only. Open to other unlisted faction ideas as well.
Baby Falkyn Nightclub
- Perfect for those with a neutral standing. Whether Canon or OC, past Brotherhood member, Lied Nova, aka Speeding Hawk, is always looking for new clients, employees, connections, and maybe even friends.
- In our little part of the universe, the founders of Genomex are Adam Kane (In-Play) and Mason Eckhart (Needed). Canon or OC. New Mutants. Human. If you think your character has what it takes to become a GSA Agent for these two, then show them what you’ve got.
- Please Note: In MPIW, Mason Eckhart is also a Hydra mole. Anyone wishing to apply for him needs to be willing to work with us to include this and any past events in his history.
Guardians of the Galaxy
- Canon Only, and please remember that the Gamora now a part of this team is not the original one, instead replaced with her version from the past who doesn’t even like the look of Star-Lord yet! Since Quill is already in play, no doubt he’ll be hoping this can be sorted out at some point in the future again.
- Pretty obvious this faction will accept Canon and OC characters of all ages and backgrounds. If you are willing to work with us, then we are willing to help make your character fit into the MPIW universe.
Lobo Technologies
- Founded by once Brotherhood member, Maxell Lawton, aka Maximus Lobo, Lobo Tech is another neutral company looking for clients, employees, suppliers and connections. Is your character, Canon or OC, a tech-head? Then let’s see if Lobo feels they have what it takes to work for his company.
Mutant X
- MPIW’s version of Mutant X will be formed and expanded on during the course of writing. While we welcome any characters from the TV show to be applied for, here we are looking for the original members of the main team ONLY.
- With Adan Kane (In Play) soon to be defecting from Genomex and Shalimar Fox (In Play) trying to live a normal life, this leaves Brennan Mulwray, Jesse Kilmartin, and Emma de Lauro.
- Supreme Headquarters of International Espionage and Law-Enforcement Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Supranational agency responsible for dealing with inner threats to Earth and its governments, such as Hydra. Responsible for overseeing and implementing the first wave of Project E.X.O.D.U.S. under Director Nicholas Fury (In Play). Canon or OC accepted. Field agents and scientists alike. If you have what it takes to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. apply by filling the form provided.
- Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D.)
- Supranational agency responsible for dealing with extraterrestrial threats to Earth's security. Created after the Blip as a space-based counterpart to S.H.I.E.L.D. by its director Nicholas Fury (In Play). It's HQ, The Peak, is an orbital space station. Canon and OC accepted. Alien allies and informants are welcome aboard! Fill in the form provided to get your quarters sorted.
The Avengers
- Not just anyone can join The Avengers. With Captain America, Scarlett Witch and Captain Marvel already in play, and Dr. Strange pending, this leaves all the other canon characters seen in Civil War open for application. This includes the ones lost and unable to be returned in Endgame. Yes, we have already worked out a plausible way to bring back the beloved characters of Black Widow, Vision and Ironman. We can also do the same for Loki as well.
Thieves Guild
- After disappearing in the Decimation and returning in The Blip, Gambit (In Play), the Leader of the Thieves Guild, and his Second in Command, Psylocke (In Play) are always looking for loyal and professional thieves to add to their ranks. The Thieves Guild also rescues and houses street kids to train as future Guild members too. Canon or OC welcome.
Xavier’s School (XSFGY)
- Want your character to be a resident of the Xavier Mansion? Could they be a full-time or part-time teacher? Maybe you’d like them to be one of younger residents? Have something else in mind but want this to be the place your character resides? Then hit us up with your idea and we’ll gladly help make it happen. All ages welcome, Canon and OC.
- Because MPIW is set in 2023, by now there are actually two generations of X-Men, ranging from young and still learning to well into their late 30’s and beyond. Any other Canon or complete OC characters are welcome to be applied for. Just, please be ready to work with us to make them fit.