A Long-Awaited New Arrival

Started by Lawrence Cutter at Apr 06, 2020 8:18 AM
November 23, 2023
21 Posts

Robert Drake

?Years Young
2 Posts

Lorna was slightly moved with Mana's permission in this JP.

Bobby knew Crystal was arriving today and he would’ve been there earlier to greet her if not for a call from his mother asking him to go visit them the next week. Those were cherished moments by him. The end result was that he was slightly late and hoped his friends Shaali and John, plus Nikki and Crystal, had been caught in a traffic jam somewhere and were late too. 

He left his room while putting a jacket on not to lose time, but just as he entered the corridor he saw Lorna, Marcos and Dawn also walking down it. “Hello, also going to greet Crystal Evans? I’m a little late. At the phone with my parents...” Not that he needed to explain anything as he walked beside the family, but he was like that.

Bobby saw Dawn tugging at Marcos' hand for them to walk faster as she feared he'd slow them down and the last thing she wanted was to be even more late than she was already. In her young mind, she wouldn't even see Crystal at the front door anymore and she still had to show her everything and give her the map of all the cool places at the grounds. Marcos and Lorna kept their previous pace and Dawn's hand was held a little tighter for a second so she understood she had to keep their pace and she did, but not without sporting a pout from that moment on.

Bobby noticed the silent interaction between father and daughter and smiled an even bigger smile. "You are also a princess, little one. Have this." Bobby placed his left hand over his right one and when the upper one was taken away, an icy flower could be seen at his right palm. "For you." He gave Dawn the gift as they continued down the corridor.

Dawn didn't look at first, but after a tug from Marcos she did. Her pout disappeared as she opened her mouth taken by the gift. "So pretty..." She took the ice flower with her free hand. "How do you say?" Marcos remembered her. "Thank you, nice guy." Dawn was now enamored by the gift and the words were mechanically spoken.

Bobby's smile grew larger. "You guys know what? We better just cut the way down short and slide. Faster that way." He offered smiling and then gauged the reception to his offer.

Dawn began to jump up and down with pure excitement at the prospect of getting to the front door faster. "Yes, please, Papa." She looked at Marcos and then Lorna. "Mummy?" But there was no reply at first as her parents wanted to see what exactly was being offered and if it was safe before taking the offer. 

"Let's do it!" Bobby said grinning from ear to ear as he jumped over the stair's railing and started to use his cryokinetic powers to build an ice ramp over which his feet slid as if surfing a wave until he jumped off it, landing right behind Jean. He kneeled and opened his arms. "Hello, shiny. Uncle Bobby is here." He just winked at Shaali, John and Nikki.

Marcos and Lorna looked at each other and then laughed at Iceman's antics. "Let's?" He suggested. "Of course!" Lorna agreed after a closer inspection of the ramp and deeming it safe. She gave them the thumbs up. 

"Yes!" Dawn's excitement just couldn't be contained anymore and she just admired the ice ramp and its curves while pushing her face against the railing. "This will be so cool. Let's go." She insisted as her parents looked at each other again, deciding silently that Lorna would go first as she could levitate if something didn't work as expected. 

Lorna got herself over the railing and stepped on the ramp. It was slippery, but not too much. Just enough. She sat on it and motioned Marcos to hand her Dawn, which he did. After getting their daughter's back safely hugged against her chest, Lorna looked at Marcos again and nodded. There was no need to say anything, the smiles on both their faces told Marcos what to do and with a gentle push on Lorna's back they started sliding down the ramp. Dawn opened up her free arms and screamed in excitement several times all the way down. "Yay!"

As Lorna's feet reached the floor of the foyer, Dawn jumped from her lap as soon as she felt her mother's hold on her loosen. The child ran towards the older one and handed her the picture. "It's a map. All the cool places here are marked on it." She pointed at the marked spots as Dawn had moved to stand beside Crystal now. "I'm Dawn Diaz." She added as an afterthought.

As Marcos heard Lorna's voice greeting the present at the foyer, he knew it was his cue to also slide down. He got himself over the railing and kneeled on the ramp while holding it, his back to their position beneath. He pushed himself as his hands let go of the railing and as he slid down, Marcos focused his powers in lasers that left the tips of each of his fingers, focusing to create a stronger one at his palms and shooting them at the ramp, vaporizing the ice instantly as he slid down. 

Marcos noticed a magnetic pull at his belt buckle as Lorna warned him that he was getting closer to the end of the ramp. Feeling the tug, Marcos used the tip of his shoes to slow down his velocity and as his feet stood on the floor of the foyer, the ramp was no more. He turned and greeted the newcomers as well. He stood beside Lorna taking a close look at Dawn, who was beyond happy to have another little girl to play with.