Gambit's Deck of Cards

Started by ShaaliRMS at Mar 28, 2020 6:32 AM
17 Posts


42Years Young
81 Posts

Intro: Dis be th' Cajun's place of connecting to anyone who may be interested. I'm falling in love with this guy all over again and looking very forward to playing a fresh version of him without any previous major connections outside of those from Canon I'm choosing to keep.

Vision: Up until Taylor Kitsch was cast as him, my ideal representation of Remy was the one presented to us in the House Of Cards Comic. Now, I personally haven't read it because the comics were not where my love for the X-Men began, however, that outfit he wears on the front cover is my chosen one for him when he's on a mission, especially when he's eventually with the X-Men. There is an uncanny resemblance to Taylor in that image too, so don't be surprised if my avatar changes to this version every so often as well.


Background: This time around Remy is just starting to pull away from his life in the Thieves Guild. He still wishes to remain loyal to them and I have come up with the idea that at some point he returned to his hometown forming a truce with the Assassin's Guild and is now actually the current leader of the Thieves Guild. Thus, his connection to them will always remain. However, the fact he's been hunted by rivals, those who both still want revenge for what happened with Julien and suspect his heart isn't fully in that life anymore explains why he's traveling so much and is so extremely cautious when someone singles him out.

Relationships: I plan to keep the relationship he had with Belladonna in the past but have it that because of the truce and the fact the two just aren't feeling it anymore, Remy and she never got back together. Hope this suits you, Mariana because I want him completely single this time around to see what romantic connection possibly forms in the natural course of the story. I also do not wish to have a blood-related daughter either but am open to the Cajun possibly finding Sophie and taking her in as his own. She may even be one of the younger mutants at the facility in Heidi's plot. We could work out that Gambit is one of the main ones to find her and perhaps have it that she's one of the younger Thieve's Guild orphans too? We can explain that she was among a group of them looked after by a single mentor who is loyal to Remy, therefore, does not question him wishing to take care of her himself? Let me know what you think.

Guiga, your idea for Psylocke to be part of the Thieves Guild is really interesting and would love to talk with you more about what we could plan there. With him being the leader of the Guild now, she may have become one of his most trusted perhaps? Again, no romantic connection more of a best friend/general to her leader type of thing. I look forward to hearing from you about this soon.

Michelle and Mark, open to hearing any ideas you guys have too. Right now I'm really loving our for fun thread and feel that it is one that can be moved over to the main story when it begins. Anyone have any other thoughts, ideas, questions, hit me with them. In the meantime, I have a bio to complete.

Thieves Guild Members

  • Psylocke (2IC)
  • Pending...


  • Sophie - Kinesia (Soon to be Adopted Daughter)
  • Pending...

Close Friends

  • Pending...

Direct Connections

  • Pending...


46Years Young
20 Posts

Betsy's history can be as messy as I choose this time around, just like last time around. 

So she could have ended up there in a number of different ways.

Betsy is a go-getter and she usually excels at whatever she does because she won't accept anything other than being among the top dogs with anything she does. She has very high standards, especially when it comes to herself. That said, I like the idea of her being his 2IC at the Thieves Guild and them having a somewhat trusting relationship based on their respect for each other's skills. Betsy is also not very trusting, unfortunately, but we can plot something that maybe had her open a bit towards Remy. Betsy also wouldn't be keen at the Assassin's still being nasty towards Remy and maybe have nudged quite a few of them away herself. She is also soul-searching right now, so maybe they find some common ground because of that?

As for personal relationships, Betsy has been through a lot and is too much of her own person by now. A guy needs to make a true effort before she gives in unless it is her brother Brian, whom she loves implicitly.


?Years Young
39 Posts

Maximus Lobo- Obviously how Remy and Maxwell regard each other at least initially will be determined as we continue the thread but I've been enjoying the interaction so far. Maybe they end up as friends, friendly rivals, or sort of a similar dynamic that Remy and Sabretooth had in the comics except Lobo would at worst want to give him a severe thrashing rather than kill him and more likely just treat him as someone he'd seek out to mess with when he's in the mood, like he would with Logan.

Anyway, I think it could be interesting to see how it develops but I just could see there being some interesting potential and probably some fun with their interactions. Regardless I could see Maxwell in his role as head of Lobo Technologies having use for the services of the Thieves Guild at some point and offering a lucrative payment, even if it's something like that hard-to-find special gift for Lied.

Logan - One of the things I liked with X-Men Origins: Wolverine was Logan and Remy's interactions and overall adventure in that, so though that most likely wouldn't have happened, maybe we could work out something from their pasts?

Logan before his time with the X-Men encountered a young Remy and shared some sort of adventure with him, though with his occurring during one of the parts of his life he'd have no memory of now. He would though recognise Remy's scent if he can't remember where he knows him from, and maybe Remy would remember him?

Those are the only ideas I've got for now, though will see if I can thinking of anything potential with my other characters.


42Years Young
81 Posts

Guiga, I truly believe Psylocke is the type of person whom Gambit would form a great working relationship with. Perhaps the two of them have been on several quests for the Thieves Guild and Remy has been there when Betsy has needed it the most. Maybe not saving her life per say as we all know she is capable of doing so herself but still, there for her when no one else is kind of thing? I hope I'm making sense. Psylocke would've probably been privy to Remy's change of heart and softer side too. Basically, Gambit is now at a point where he wants to do something bigger, more important than life in the Guild gives him.

Mark, it's safe to say Remy will have respect for Lobo once he realises the feral hasn't been sent to kill him. Depending on what the job is will determine whether Gambit takes it himself or allocates to someone else. He may not fully admit it yet but the Cajun is looking to serve in a much more noble capacity even though his thieving side will always remain. In other words, he'll never be above doing what is necessary if it achieves a greater good. Example, kicking the living daylights out of the ones behind the facility in Heidi's side plot for Whisper.

As for an encounter with Logan, love that idea! I too enjoyed their interaction in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Have you any thoughts on exactly when this happened? A young Remy on the streets daring to pickpocket Logan? A teen in trouble and Logan helps or maybe we go with the same idea, that Logan inquired of the whereabouts of Stryker's island from an older Remy, Gambit attacks him thinking he's trying to take him back then they both face Creed together and so on...

With a few changes, that storyline is still very plausible here. What do you think? Reference Wiki: Wikipedia - Wolverine


42Years Young
81 Posts

Mariana and anyone else who may have some ideas or input on what of the powers listed below Remy could already have and which ones we could have fun with developing in the story...


Total Kinetic Control: At his full power Gambit can control all aspects of kinetic energy up to even the molecular level, allowing him to fire energy blasts, defy gravity, heal wounds, charge objects within his line of sight without contact, additionally he can charge organic matter, blowing it up just by thinking about it and effectively exist as energy. He can also manipulate the potency of the energy release. He had the power necessary to cause another being to be unable to move or unable to stop if in motion. He was able to cause or simulate various energies by manipulating the kinetic energy present, such as infrared and microwaves by increasing molecular agitation, or cold by reducing it.

Precognition: Gambit was temporarily blinded due to a card in his hand being hit and exploding. During this period, he was able to 'see' images in his cards. Considering he has met a person with a similar ability, perhaps this was a learned skill rather than a quirk of his mutant powers.

Time Travel: Gambit was also able to use his powers to travel through time by transforming himself into living energy which joined with the kinetic flow.

Regenerative Healing: Gambit was able to heal himself by stimulating his cellular activity.

(End Quote)


41Years Young
40 Posts

I'll just be very honest, Mana, so forgive anything.

Are those really Gambit powers? I don't remember him doing any of that, but I also don't read comics for at least 20 years now, so it must have happened during this time span. Well, I don't think the last 3 even seem like Gambit powers to be honest, but the first one may be a choice for future development.

I may have to change Sophie's powers together with her name and background if this is the case too as she will become Gambit's younger female clone like X-23 with Wolverine then, just without the actual cloning, because those are exactly her powers as they were in the other board without the more extreme manifestations such as becoming energy. That's more of a Proteus thing to me. The difference between her and Remy was that she could project kinetic energy and charge things at a distance within her field of vision while he could only charge them through contact. Now that only difference would vanish.

Or maybe he develops this ability while teaching her to control hers somehow? Or she could charge him by accident while scared for some reason and unlock it? Don't know. In the end it's up to you.


42Years Young
81 Posts

Mariana, I actually 100% agree with you.

Precognition was the result of an accident which he never needs to have here and even if he did, really, why would he get such an extension of his abilities.

Time Travel with the full energy change and Regen came after Apoc turned him into Death and apparently he continued to struggle with ridding himself of that persona. At some point, he lost his powers in the comics and Sinister gave them back stronger than before thus he became indebted to him. I do not wish to keep any of this here as my version is moulded after the X-Men Origins: Wolverine portrayal. As for full control, later on perhaps but again, does not need to happen.

Also while I'm on the note of comic happenings, the question was asked at what stage the HFC had anything to do with magic? In my initial comic searching, I came across one where The Black Queen had turned the sub-basements of the HFC into her own version of a literal hell, practising her magic while torturing them, etc. Turned me off ever buying the comics again for life and explains my hesitation when it came to allowing that faction at all .

EDIT: Didn't realise Mark was posting some more information at the same time I was answering you, Mariana. Will see what your thoughts are on that before deciding if it's a definite no first.


?Years Young
39 Posts

I can help a little with regard to the powers, though I don't remember very much as it's around 10 to 15 years since I read the comics series.

The Total Kinetic Control, Time Travel and Regenerative Healing abilities are from Gambit's solo comic series from around 2000. I don't remember much of the details except that there was an alternate universe version of Remy named New Sun, whom eventually became nigh-omnipotent and to fight him Remy had to go to Mister Sinister for help.

My memory is vague on this but I think Remy had first started manifesting his abilities but they were growing beyond his control and his adoptive father Jean-Luc took him to Nathaniel Essex for help, with Sinister performing brain surgery on Remy, removing a small portion of cerebral matter so Remy's power would be limited and he could control it. To fight New Sun, Remy had Sinister operate again and restore the cerebral matter unlocking the full potential of his power with the above abilities, though he burnt them out in the final battle with New Sun.

I've got the link here to the issue summaries for the Gambit series if it might be of help. Gambit Series

So if you wanted to do anything with them, maybe it could be a future plotline involving Mister Sinister, perhaps experimenting on mutants to unlock their full potential or creating a clone if he got Remy's DNA.

The Precognition was a random development as an apparent secondary mutation that developed after the aforementioned incident but seemed to disappear after he got his sight back, though I don't remember the exact issues but it was in Chuck Austen's in the early-mid 2000s.


41Years Young
40 Posts

Mana, Mark

First of all, thanks for the clarifications!!!!! I was really lost as I wasn't reading comics anymore by the 2000s. I guess that shows my age...

I'll be very honest again here. Though I wouldn't mind to NPC Sinister for a plot like the Savage Land Site-Wide Plot we used to have planned or for this one with Remy, I'm not inclined to pick him up again permanently this time around, unless something happens like last time of us losing his player and a lot of loose ends being left behind because of it.

Since we're bringing Genomex in, there might be too much experimentation going around anyway, though I don't rule out this plot for later maybe. Like I've said before, it depends on you really, Mana. If you want to keep the powers or cut all of this storyline from his past and/or future.


Now to plotting with my people, current and future. I think not many of my people would have a history with Gambit, but there are these choices:

Nick Fury: Maybe Remy and his Guild had issues with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past?

The White Queen: Emma could have contacted Remy for a few jobs to get the things she wanted and/or things she needed after she got out of stasis to get her business, money and lifestyle back.

Belladonna: Maybe we could go with that plot in which they actually manage to fuse the Guilds into one, the United Guild? Remy gets to lead it first, but when he decides to go away to do his own thing he leaves her in charge because they are friends since infancy and know each other well. He knows she'll take care of their people even though she seems to be a cold and unavailable person nowadays. Also, they would have solved issues of their past upon his return from his exile and reestablish a kind of friendship/alliance? I mean, once he leaves or even right now there's no bad blood between them.

Kinesia (Sophie): How would they meet? Also, would he just get her into the Guild or actually adopt her? This still isn't clear to me. But she is coming after everyone else is done. Being sick in the last few days hasn't helped on that end... I guess that's all for now.


42Years Young
81 Posts

Thank you very much, Mark. I did read some of what you've put up but didn't think to copy and paste it over here as well. I think it was because by the time I'd finished Remy's WIP bio it was getting late and I really needed to get going.

Anyways, Mariana, I personally do not like Sinister so unless someone else offers to play him properly in the future we shall just keep him for you to bring into the aforementioned Savage Land plot. Otherwise, he'll be NPC if no one else shows interest. I would love to see Remy have trouble with his abilities in the future, especially considering he's getting older and there is also the strong chance something major will happen to him in the story at some point but this does not have to involve Sinister or experimentation in any way.

Re: Nick Fury... makes sense they'd have had a run-in with S.H.I.E.L.D. at some point since the Guilds are involved in messy things. I shall post to Nick's ICM to work that out further if you'd like? Re: The White Queen... hmm, with Emma being a part of the X-Men and the HFC not really in play yet, would she have any use for someone like Gambit and the Guilds? I think it would be better to develop a connection thereafter he arrives at Xavier's this time around.

Re: Belladonna... oh my gosh, that's perfect! I love everything about doing that!!! Takes care of so many things I've already been thinking about since deciding he was going to be the leader of the Thieves Guild and the fact Psylocke will be 'defecting' with him means one of his most trusted isn't there to be put in charge after he leaves. And, yes, regardless of them not being together a friendship based on mutual respect will always be there.

Re: Sophie... For how they met, fairly recently, within the last couple of months but because she had the same powers as him there would have been an instant connection. Maybe a little runaway or abandoned street kid trying to survive by stealing what she could and either Remy is one she tries to steal from or he witnesses her doing so when he's out at some point? Pretty easy to make either happen and I'm open to anything else you may think of too.

Might also be a case of protecting her against some bullies or her own parents/foster parents/another blood family member. Gambit wouldn't hesitate to step in if he ever saw such a thing happening in front of him. Actually, here's a thought, how about if we do decide upon something happening to her at the time actually being the very thing that triggers her powers and either Remy sees that happen or steps in just as it does, etc? That would be a very interesting thread to write and not something I believe I've ever done before because most of the mutants in the other RP already had their powers by the time they came to the mansion.

In regards to Remy adopting Sophie, too recent but that is something we can do later on. For now, she'd be with the other orphans or abandoned kids the Guilds have found on the streets.