Breaking Free (SP)

Started by Heidi at Mar 27, 2020 7:13 AM
13 Posts


42Years Young
40 Posts

No, I guess between your post and mine above, it's all laid out. Just a few details.

  1. New Mutant Underground (Created by Adam after defection) = Project E.X.O.D.U.S. for the New Mutants.
  2. Mutant X (Group that tracks and protects New Mutants after escape) = S.H.I.E.L.D., X-Men and Brotherhood of the New Mutants.
  3. Mason Eckhart was unknowingly doing The Dominion's work, who were the people responsible for him knowing about Project E.X.O.D.U.S. to begin with when he convinced Adam Kane to leave Muir Island and join him in forming Genomex about 20 years ago to create the New Mutants. (We'd need a Mason)
  4. Adam, at first, just wanted to heal children with genetic diseases, his area of expertise, but unexpected results came out of his research: the New Mutants.
  5. Genomex would be a private enterprise, created by Adam and Mason, and not a government facility in its incarnation here. Sure we can do another Side Plot with Adam's defection from Genomex and layout the background there, but we already have this Side Plot and I think we could kill two birds with just one shot. If Heidi is OK with that.


Now about the plot without this part, by itself.

I forgot to mention that Hourglass and Quicksilver will also be introduced in this Plot. They'd be storming the facility by their lonesome while looking for Wanda's whereabouts and would join one of the teams in thread 3. Maybe they could have a thread with Fury in part 2A, but it isn't necessary as it can go into their backstory in their bios easily. Up to you.

Phoenix would be in the Roll Call for thread 3 too.


If the Mutant X plot shall be introduced together with this one.

Adam Kane will be there too and give his inner personnel hand to the escape of all the inmates (Mutants and New Mutants alike) when he finally defects Genomex to go his own way. Maybe he is the one who allows Booker to go free in the first thread, reason why he managed to get so far in trying to escape before being recaptured by Mason and his security personnel.


Just let Mana and I know what you think, Heidi. No issues to take all of this somewhere else too.


?Years Young
87 Posts

Let's move forward with this being a Genomex facility. It's hard to pass up a great set-up for a group so many people are interested to be connected to. Should make for some great writing!

I'll update the summary post to include the new additions.


Leucrotta, Lhiannan, Lobo & Speeding Hawk - I'm still waiting on character confirmation for some suggestions that were made a few posts back. Would love to get these three officially in the thread summary.


?Years Young
39 Posts

I would be happy with Leucrotta getting caught trying to save Whisper potentially alongside Lied, along with the suggestion of the injection. It could be interesting particularly seeing how he'd react with perhaps becoming human again for a time or at least if the suppression of his physical mutation might result in such a case. There's also his image inducer, potentially perhaps a piece of technology that would be of interest to Genomex if they got hold of it.

I'd like therefor to confirm Leucrotta for getting captured and if I could have Deirdre as a witness, if she'd been out at the time with Leucrotta. Lobo as well I think could fit in here as a witness.


Thread 2a, Lobo can always report back to the Brotherhood and if Lied has been captured he's up for revenge. Deirdre here with reporting to the X-Men.


2b- Leucrotta as a newly captured.


Thread 3, Lobo and Deirdre in the rescue party and there's potentially Banshee, Beast or Wolverine as well in there.