MPIW RPG History

Started by ShaaliRMS at Mar 17, 2020 6:46 AM
5 Posts


42Years Young
81 Posts

Right, here we go with a very necessary plotting thread for the history of our RPG. I want to make it clear that as it says in the Character Creation Guideline that the intention this time around is to make it a full Alternate Universe RPG not based on nor the continuation of any fan fiction like the previous one was. This basically means I want everyone to get involved.

  1. What would you like to keep for your characters from any of the movies within the MCU?
  2. What do you want to rearrange? Leave out? Redo?
  3. Is there that particular something you just plain what to forget ever happened altogether?
  4. Or, would you like to reimagine your canon character's background entirely, as is so far the case with Pyro?

The key thing is, while we are first and foremost an X-Men based RPG, as long as we can make the characters and ideas from any area of the MCU into a plausible storyline and it fits into the rules of the site, all possibilities are open for discussion, except for the one canon plot which I will go into in more detail below.

NB: Once we have all thoroughly discussed our ideas and officially decided on the history, I will do up a summary and put it under another tab within the CCG.


I will start with the one storyline I don't want to do again, and that is anything to do with Apocalypse. I just can't stand that character and will be the first to admit I was actually thrilled to see him completely done away with by a younger Jean in X-Men: Apocalypse. I am so over the whole idea of the first-ever known mutant taking on four Horseman and using them to help try and take the world away from both humans and any other mutants who get in his way. He's a user and an abuser and, as stated, a concept I despise with all my being.

With that vehemently said, the other ideas I don't like are simply ones done over and over, or to absolute death. These include:

  • Emo teens or adults for that matter
  • Lack of character growth
  • Characters constantly causing problems for people around them * Another player constantly wishing for their character to be with mine or bugging someone else about the same thing, and so on.

I've already given my opening Main Story thread idea elsewhere and will be sure to edit it into the official write-up once the history discussion is complete. My other ICM threads will give everyone a chance to sort out things with my characters individually but I will need a lot of help with Xavier.

Mariana, I have read your very long and detailed plot for your characters and if you would like to move it here, please do so. I personally think it works beautifully because it includes everything and really shows just what I've been trying to explain above, that anything in the MCU is welcome as long as we can make it fit. I particularly love that you've kept the Apocalypse movie because I was going to actually say that either the movie itself happened or at some point in Jean's young life she's already dealt with him so we never have to bother with such a mutant again. Gets a very powerful character out of the way too.

Speaking of Jean, there is a 'Dark Phoenix' movie currently in production and it's obvious this has happened while she was young too, so, unless you really wish to do this storyline when she is older, we can wait to see what happens there to include it in more detail in her bio. Can always say the problem arises again later on in our RPG anyway. Not far fetched to think she'd still have issues with it, after all. I am open to it being the Phoenix Force entity this time too. The entity is an alien, right, not some mystical and/or magical force? I've never really looked into that side of things myself. Not a big Jean fan, sorry.

It would be much easier for any newly interested members to get a sense of what we're trying to achieve here if we try to fit our RPG in and around what has already happened as much as possible. Because I have yet to see Avengers: Infinity War, my only thoughts on it are that once again, Thanos is an extremely powerful character, and unless it's guaranteed Part 2 will fix what I've so far only heard happens in Part 1, then I would rather he has not snapped yet too. That, or he's already been dealt with like Apoc was.

Anyways, this is all I can think of for now. No doubt I'll go to bed soon and have another brainwave or "Oh, I so forgot to mention this!" moment, but I think this is enough to absorb and talk about for now, right? Lol.



41Years Young
40 Posts

Let's put the most important things out of the way first.

1) I do agree that it's best to keep to movie canon (Fox and Marvel) as much as possible as long as it can be explained in a reasonable fashion, as the offered plot for the twins, which I will add in a following post as it is long by its lonesome, be it with or without the addition of original or semi-original characters, either played by the same player or offered to a fellow RPer due to a possible adoptable character status.

2) As Jean's future player, I agree to keep X-Men: Apocalypse as is and have Apocalypse dealt with in the same manner as in the said movie.

3) I think it is best to get Thanos dealt with as a past event too because I know a lot of people who just absolutely love Infinity War, and honestly, I really enjoyed it too, and I think there might inevitably be people who will ask or want something like it if it is not placed as past and dealt with from the start. All the rumors I've heard lead to everything being reversed somehow, even because there are planned movies in the future, which aren't about the past, with seemingly unavailable characters. It wouldn't make sense in any other way. Besides we can just say that the Avengers solved the problem, everyone is alive, minus Thanos, and all is well and rewrite later if we like the solution given to the problem in the actual movie better than this very basic one. We are an alternate reality after all. So no problem. Just put it on the past and rewrite histories if wanted and needed. Besides, it would be important for Wanda's start due to thewhole Vision deal that happens in this movie.

4) As for the Phoenix Force, it is a cosmic entity, a being of pure psionic energy that takes the form of a fiery bird, hence the name. There is nothing supernatural about it in my opinion. It also chooses avatars from time to time and Jean is one of them, let's say the only current one. They have something like a symbiotic connection. For as long as Jean is alive, she will be an avatar of the Phoenix Force. Things can get complex, as is often the case with comics, but that is enough for me. Whether we go with the proper union between them having happened in the past, in the future or both, I'm fine with it. The only difference would be Jean's knowledge of the entity that has helped her on some occasions. As in she couldn't have defeated Apocalypse without channelling the Phoenix Force, which amplifies her natural psionic abilities, or she couldn't have survived Alkali Lake. I was thinking in keeping all of X2 and explain that, with the help of the Phoenix, Jean managed to keep a protective telekinetic shield around her beneath the lake that formed, raised herself out of the water, woke up and found herself by the shores of the lake. Whether it is a surprise to her and everyone else or everybody knows it was the Phoenix who helped her would depend on whether they know what it is already or not. Rumors point to the film in the works not giving one of the most iconic long span sagas of the comics its right incarnation yet again. I cringe when I remember The Last Stand, love that Days of Future Past allows me to think I never watched it and I don't want to see nor consider a reprisal of that in any shape or form personally.

5) There is a Captain Marvel movie in the works and she is meant to be in Avengers 4 as well, but personally I think that incarnation of the character of Carol Danvers is a bit too overpowered for my linking. I don't know what they will do with her exactly, but I don't like the whole part alien thing in her backstory personally. I might include bits and pieces of those movies regarding her character once they are released, but mostly she'll be the Miss Marvel incarnation who has the same power set as comic Rogue, minus the touch of disaster. I'm more comfortable with it that way. I already have a few characters who can be overpowered when the occasion arises or needs them to be, so no need for this one. Besides Captain Marvel is always overpowered. It would be difficult to escape that, unless Kevin Feige and company make some changes to her, but not knowing I prefer to do as I've said.

6) Emma Frost definitely didn't die after X-Men: First Class. Trask was under a psionic illusion when he considered and filed her and possibly others mentioned in Days of Future Past as dead. She possibly made a trip to the Balkans on business too and got trapped within Hourglass' chronokinetic field, whoever the later ends up being by the end of her plotting, as I like to play Emma in her late thirties, early forties. Mature, but not elderly with white hair. Also, I'll just skip the look-alike mutant in X-Men Origins: Wolverine too, as that appearance never made any sense to me.

This post is already big enough as it is, so I'll break it here.


41Years Young
40 Posts

Copying the post here as requested.


Well, as I've said before elsewhere, I used to explain the deaging of the twins at the other board as the effects of the powers of Hourglass, a mutant with chronokinesis and chronopathy as her power set, over there she was ancient like Apocalypse, literally a few thousands of years old, but I think it could be more interesting to keep the core, but make her a younger character who goes by the name of Anya Maximoff because she has lost her memory after hitting her head on a rock when her powers first manifested. Hourglass would now be no other than Magda Lehnsherr Eisenhardt herself. Yes, Lehnsherr was Magda's Romani maiden name.

It makes logical sense that her mutation would take longer to manifest than Max's, if we go with the same weakness that she can only access her powers when in good health, for three main reasons: one, she came from a poorer Romani (Gypsy) family and was worse off from the start, two, she was captured before he did and spent more time at Auschwitz, three, she got pregnant twice and one of them of twins.

Things would go like this. After giving birth to the twins at Wundagore, she still afraid fled into the freezing forest. Almost dying out of cold is a great trigger for a mutation to manifest. A chronokinetic wave spread from her body, but since she was still weak from a recent pregnancy and the cold weather, she lost consciousness and fell, hitting her head on a rock and being a recipient of her own power.

She was found the other day by the Gypsies of the region as a 14-year-old girl without memory, the only thing she remembered was the name Anya, which everyone thought was and became her name from then on. Gypsies by this age are considered independent and the settlement didn't think she needed parents, only an extended family to foster her and give her a name until she recovered her memory and took her own back. The Maximoffs became her extended family. A couple days later, the twins were also brought to Django and Marya, but fully adopted as they were still only babies.

This is why Magda's body was never found, but she was still considered dead due to the odds of survival. Her grave having been found at Wundagore by Max as he was searching for her among her people at the region right after she fled. It is also the reason why he took on a Romani identity. One, he could no longer use his name because he had just transformed a small town into an electromagnetic wasteland and two, right after WWII, the Romani only trusted other Romani into their fold. Not to mention taking on her maiden name would allow him to find her extended family at the region, maybe even the reason why they went that way after escaping Auschwitz as Max had no family to speak of anymore. Magda did due to the whole extended family Romani concept, which means people who aren't blood-related but are considered family for other reasons and even share the same family name. Also, that is the reason why she fled to Wundagore, she knew she would find her people there, but she also knew he'd come after her and decided not to place them at risk and fled into the forest where everything happened. Finding her grave makes him give up and try to settle life completely anew and by his lonesome at Israel, where he meets Charles and stuff happens...

Back to Magda and the twins. Magda continued to live at the Gypsy camp until she was 19 years old, being of the Maximoffs extended family. She never recovered her memory and just accepted the fact she'd never know that piece of her past again. She took a job and began to work at a town near the Gypsy camp. There she found out the history of the twins, that their father was a fearful man who could lay waste on a town and told them about it, the reason why Pietro says in Days of Future Past that he knows his father could do that too when he sees Magneto using his powers.

When the twins were 12 years old, Django was killed because he stole food for them. Their powers manifested as they fled the place back home to tell the bad news to Marya. This would be when they first meet with Max actually, but not knowing who they are he just helps them flee because they are mutants in need. Magda hears about this and returns to the camp too, offering them all her money so they could start again in a better place. Marya and the twins move to America and establish there. Magda keeps sending them money sporadically as she stays at the Balkans and Marya gets a job for herself in America too.

Wanda can't cope with her powers as she can't either control them nor understand what's going on around her and goes unstable. Marya is forced to place her in a psychiatrical hospital and Pietro doesn't accept this and begins to rebel against their foster mother, stealing random things he fancies using his speed. This is how we meet him at Days of Future Past. He meets Magneto and doesn't think he is that bad. In Apocalypse, he decides to go to the address he was given when he helped them and gets there when the mansion is exploding. He reveals to Mystique he now knows for a fact that Magneto is his father because he had asked for Anya/Magda to get to know more about his father at the Balkans. Apocalypse happens. After those events, Pietro joins the school and the X-Men. Wanda is still in the psychiatrical hospital.

Pietro stays at the mansion serving as an X-Men until the events of X-Men, year 2000 if I recall correctly. That's when Wolverine meets the speedster to call on his younger self in Days of Future Past. The twins would be 43 years old adults by then. Wanda would still be in the same place, trying to understand her world.

Wanda has a bad mishandling of her powers and that's when Pietro decides to break her free and take her back to the Balkans. They meet with Anya and she feels too pained with Wanda's situation. She loses control of her powers and lets go another chronokinetic wave that causes the entire region around her to enter a time distortion field. It causes Wanda and Pietro to reverse back into babies without powers and since this time she kept conscious, Magda suffered nothing. By then she has already learned how to halt her aging and keep her biological clock at the age of 28. She knows it is important for some reason, but still can't recall why.

I love the irony that Magda gets to raise her own children as a loving mother this time around. As the time field was very vast this time around, she decided to move with the now baby twins into a nearby country, Sokovia, where they took up residence and grew up uneventfully because Magda had used her chronokinetic fields to allow them to grow up normally, but never again activate their mutant gene, this way keeping Wanda from having a life of pain this time around.

Their city is attacked during a civil war by weapons made by Stark Industries, their house is destroyed, they manage to survive and for the first time, Magda openly shows the twins she has powers as she never used them in front of them before. She displaced them in time to escape the destruction and save themselves. They went to a refugee camp. Magda has feelings of deja vu in the war scenario, but still can't fully understand why. During their time at the shelter, the twins are approached by Hydra and Baron von Strucker. They are 21 at this point. I know this would give 64 and not 61 years total, but those 3 years go to the effect that made them manage to survive the war. Magda tells them to stay with her, but the twins are taken by hatred and go with Strucker instead.

Hydra uses Loki's sceptre, which carries the Mind Stone on the twins. This stone has the power to create, control or destroy consciousnesses. So when it was used on the twins, it caused Magda's chronokinetic fields to dispel, revealing their natural powers again. With training from Hydra, their miracles, especially Wanda, got a much better hold of their abilities, faster than before in Pietro's case. The twins attack the Avengers under Strucker's orders and then side with Ultron against Stark and the Avengers. Later they see the error of their ways as their city is turned into an asteroid by Ultron to destroy the world. They finally side with the Avengers and defeat Ultron. Pietro is shot and is taken bleeding and seemingly lifeless. Magda and the twins leave the flying city in one of SHIELD's helicarriers. Magda had placed a chronokinetic field around Pietro's body as she was close when he was shot. He no longer bled, but reversing the damage would take some time not to cause time distortions that could rip his body apart. In the confusion, Magda took away Pietro's body to heal him in time, sending Wanda a message for her not to worry. That everything is fine with them. Wanda came to see them after they had settled back in America. Magda consents and encourages Wanda to join the Avengers, which she does.

I really don't mind if Thanos snaps, and even considered this. Magda's secondary mutation is chronopathy, so she would know something was wrong and take herself and Pietro "out of time", preserving them from the snap, Wanda gets dusted. The Avengers fix everything, but Wanda keeps remembering Vision being killed twice in front of her, one of them by her own doing. She starts to get PTSD symptoms and is taken to a SHIELD facility. From there she is mysteriously transferred to another facility, the one in Heidi's Side Plot. Pietro reveals to the Avengers he is still alive and asks for Wanda. He is told by Fury that she is no longer under SHIELD's care, but of a private facility. Hourglass and Quicksilver join the plot as independent parties in search of Scarlet Witch and join the party.


Also, Guiga had a very good idea yesterday, I think. Maybe after the events of Apocalypse, a very powerful telepath decided to make everyone forget mutants exist, the reason why Hydra didn't recognize the twins for what they were and thought the Stone had granted them powers and not just allowed them to finally manifest. Maybe the snap breaks this and now everyone knows again, which causes organizations to try to deal with a situation they didn't think existed until now because the community grew tight and learned to live off the radar by helping each other or some other reason. This telepath doesn't need to be any canon, even though Charles + Cerebro makes a whole lot of sense to me. He'd do it to protect his people, wouldn't he? @Mana. But now, thanks to Thanos, the genie is out of the bottle again. This doesn't mean that the school and other places wouldn't exist or be active, mutants were still alive and in need of training, so all would go normally on that front, just without open persecution until now?


I think those solutions might link everything back together. Yay? Nay? Other ideas?


?Years Young
39 Posts

I'll just quickly go through this with each character I'm taking or intending to take.

Leucrotta- His bio is already done and approved and already active in threads.

  • He's also an OC rather than canon character, so he fits in as-is. Basically, with him, it's re-imagined background while keeping more or less the same power set and personality, just where he'd have eventually ended up after a few years in the old RPG.

Lhiannan Sidhe- Bio is in progress, with background coming along.

  • As with Leucrotta, she's pretty much a reimagined background while keeping the same power set and personality, and tied in more with Leucrotta in terms of background. What has mainly changed is she's going to have less angst, more control over her powers and not so many self-willed illusions running around, particularly those that could cause trouble.

Maximus Lobo -

  • He's a canon but not one who was in the movies. He'll also be worked on next after Lhiannan Sidhe's bio is done. He's going to have a slightly reimagined background, being a longtime Brotherhood member this time around and Lobo Technologies playing a bigger role with him being head of his own faction, so a role similar to that Boilmet held. He'll be pretty close to how he was in the old RPG personality-wise, playful, in love with Lied, capable of compassion and savagery, more serious when he needs to be. Same with the power set.

Wolverine- Bio to be done, have played him in the thread.

  • I'll keep to the basic timeline he's had in the movie canon, just with some adjustments as needed. (X-Men, X-Men 2 X-Men United, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days Of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse, Wolverine X-Men Origins (Adjusted) etc.)
  • If we could say the events of The Wolverine didn't happen as in the movie, maybe more in line with the original Wolverine mini-series. An adjusted version of X-Men Origins Wolverine.
  • Obsessing over unrequited love with Jean.

Beast- Bio to be done. I have played him in a thread.

  • I would keep his roles in X-Men First Class, X-Men Days Of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse. That will make him older but aging wouldn't affect him so much with his abilities.
  • Adjustment of X-Men 3 The Last Stand, keeping Hank as a teacher at the school, leaving out the politics.
  • Angst in X-Men First Class, I'd prefer to avoid Mystique romance as well.

Banshee- Bio to be done, played in the thread.

  • Something like X-Men First Class with him being one of the early student X-Men, where he left to pursue a police career.
  • Obviously he wasn't killed off between X-Men First Class and X-Men Days Of Future Past.
  • Not reimagined as such but going closer to the comic version for him background wise. Much as he was in the old RPG.

Puma- Bio to be done, still working on concept.

  • Will be reimagined, similar personality-wise and power set, though will be younger comparatively early 30s and new avatar. Will have been discovered by Nick Fury and recruited as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent in his early 20s.

Black Tom - Bio to be done, still working on concept.

  • He didn't appear in the movies, will be pretty similar to the comic version, mid-late 50s, thinking Pierce Brosnan for his avatar, Brotherhood member.


46Years Young
20 Posts

Here is my take for my characters so far.


  • I'll be keeping the timeline of his appearances in X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse and Avengers: Age of Ultron as per the offered plot a few posts above.
  • Pietro didn't die in Avengers: Age of Ultron as per plot already mentioned or some other. He'll feel militant after the way SHIELD treated Wanda when he finds her at that facility and will join the Brotherhood as he doesn't remember being a former X-Man.


  • I'll be keeping the timeline of her appearances in X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse, X-Men, X-Men 2: X-Men United.
  • I'll also be adjusting some of Raven's comics/90s animated series backstory into hers here, such as her fostering of Rogue for a while before the events of X-Men and the circumstances of Nightcrawler's birth and subsequent unintentional abandonment somewhen between X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past.
  • I'll leave out the fact Charles and Raven were foster siblings. It never made sense to me. She was found through Cerebro as the others in X-Men: First Class and joined because she was convinced to do so by Charles and Magneto.


  • I'll keep her appearance in X-Men: Apocalypse.
  • I'll also keep a good part of her comic backstory, which can be very convoluted and explain for her aging halting for a while. Maybe it was one of the effects of what Apocalypse did to her. She took some time to start aging normally again as it affected her differently somehow? I'll still have to decide on how to achieve that as she'll be in her mid-forties maybe.
  • Not completely reimagine, but she'll be with the Thieves Guild for some years when the story starts, which is something that never happened anywhere as she is portrayed as a solo ninja thief when it happens, but I'll alter that a little bit.


  • He'll be completely reimagined. Maybe he was found by the same SHIELD project that has found Puma? He has since decided to follow his own way and I can see him as a PR liaison for Lobo Tech or the Nightclub. Possibly a Brotherhood member if brought in by his bosses.


  • I'll keep the timeline of his appearances in X-Men, X-Men 2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Future Past. The last two movies mentioned here are to say that he became an X-Man after the end of his studies. 
  • He has never met with Pyro until he went to study in Australia. I have a flu at the moment, so I must be forgetting something. If that's the case, I'll add whatever is needed here later.