My Passion is Writing is very simple to navigate. Almost everything is on the main site page or can be reached via the main menu bar below the banner. However, this is a quick site overview. If you find anything missing or broken page links, please post a reply here and it will be addressed as soon as possible.
Please only reply to this thread if you find broken or missing links!
User Panel
Under your Username on the main page (top of site), you will find links to your user control panels. Clicking on your username will give you a dropdown menu.
- Manage Profile: This is where you go to update your personal profile, enable mature content, change your Display Name, set a Password Recovery question, etc. Your profile needs to be completed for all features of our site software to work correctly.
- Manage Characters: This is where you go to add or edit characters. You can also add notes to their thread trackers, etc.
- Manage Subscriptions: Go here to manage your forum and thread subscriptions.
- Logout
Menu Bar
This is the main navigation menu. The links should be self-explanatory, but just in case, see below. More links will be added if needed.
- My Passion is Writing: This just takes you back to the home page.
- Characters: Takes you to the list of active, in-play characters.
- Discord: A join link to our site's Discord server. It will also open the Discord app if you are already a member.
- IC Timeline: This takes you to the page where you can view threads organized by in-character game date. It is a great way to track characters' in-game timelines.
- Resources: Click on this to go to our site's catalog of resources such as User Guides, Playby List, Site Lore, Getting Started, etc. Everything is listed in the sidebar there.
- Rules: Quick link to the site's rules. Coincidentally, the sidebar menu is there also.
- Change Theme: Located on the far right, click this to switch between available themes.
Someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive.
Dreams get pushed around a lot, and I doubt if we'll survive.
We won't get to wake up, dreams were born to disappear.
And I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.
~ None of Us Here by Jim Stafford ~