Ryan Shaw's Notebook

Started by ShaaliRMS at Mar 28, 2020 7:12 AM
7 Posts


42Years Young
81 Posts



Touched on a fair bit in Pyro's Background , Shaw will be a 43-year-old, human, career cop that has helped out many abandoned children in his time as a police officer. John’s case became one of a few where he didn’t just aid in seeing to it that other options of rehabilitation could be found but ended up becoming a long-term mentor as well.

Mark, we can better discuss and sort out the history between Banshee and Shaw here now. When were you thinking Sean was assigned to a case in Australia thus linking him up to Ryan’s station, etc? Just have to figure out what ages they all were and if Banshee may have even possibly met Pyro when he was younger? I’m open to whatever you decide on that front.

Otherwise, Mariana, any thoughts on whether Fury may have come into contact with a now Australian Federal Police Detective at all? Would love to hear any musings on how this could’ve occurred. Maybe SHIELD joined their unit to track down a few nasty mutants but also ones that may simply have lost control of their powers… so many possibilities there.

Current For-Fun Threads: None, was thinking we could do a phone or Skype call between Banshee and him at some point, Mark. Let me know ^^

Family: Pending… need to create them for him.


  • John Allerdyce, Pyro
  • Shaali Evans, Restorer
  • Crystal Evans, Shrapnel
  • Sean Cassidy, Banshee
  • Others pending… he’d have a few from school, the Police Academy, and definitely colleagues in the AFP, etc. Does anyone want to be one of these at all? We can work out exact details as we go.


  • Ireland Chase


?Years Young
39 Posts

With regards to the case that Sean and Ryan were involved in that would take place twenty years ago, early in Sean's Interpol career and when Ryan would have only just been starting out. My idea is that the case would involve Lewis Reinhart/Lycanthropy whom I've already used in Leucrotta and Lhiannan Sidhe's background, a feral mutant with empathic abilities, able to communicate with and control animals and to induce a lapse into a feral mental state in humans.

Sean would have been tracking Lycanthropy who was a known mutant supremacist and suspected serial killer, though an independent player. In Australia there could have been cases of reported yowie sightings, actually, humans fallen victim to Lycanthropy's empathic abilities and also cases of dingo attacks on humans or other unexplained wildlife attacks. Sean was assigned to the case, arriving to help out at Ryan's station, introduced as an officer with experience of mutant cases. Ryan could have been assigned to the team with Sean, still early in his career but showing a lot of promise, which Sean would probably recognise and appreciate.

Sean and the local police could have tracked down Lycanthropy, though sadly aren't quite prepared for his level of power, I was thinking they'd be ambushed, Lycanthropy using his power to turn the police against each other, Sean and Ryan and maybe one or two others managing to escape his influence but there being several casualties. Sean is forced to reveal his own mutant ability temporarily driving Lycanthropy back, but leaving him and Ryan the only ones left in condition to face him, and before backup can arrive they'd get attacked again.

Lycanthropy would make an attempt to slash Sean's throat, injuring him to the extent he's bleeding quite heavily and his power temporarily disabled, Ryan managing to intervene and distract Lycanthropy long enough for Sean to finally shoot him with seemingly fatal results. Ryan also manages to staunch Sean's bleeding, saving his life as Sean might have saved his in the earlier encounter.

In any case, Ryan would have earned Sean's undying gratitude and trust, Sean viewing him more or less like a brother and even if long-distance would have kept in touch, maybe helping out with advice or such with mutant cases or young mutants and following his career.


?Years Young
87 Posts

Ireland Chase runs an import-export business with work through our the world, including Australia. Her business dates back to the 1870’s in Ireland, which leaves for endless contacts and history. Most shipments are legal, some in the grey area and others were never known to happen. Relocating at-risk people would fall within the “never happened” area. As a Detective let me know if you’d like their paths to have crossed in the past. I’m open to new or existing connections.


42Years Young
81 Posts


I really love the kind of ideas that link things so well like this as well as give me a chance to write one of my characters helping in such a key way too. Thank you for allowing me to do so with Banshee.

The actor I am using for Shaw studied Taekwondo, earning his black belt when he was just nine years old, something I plan to keep for my character as well. This could be the way he distracted him, Lewis perhaps taken off-guard not knowing just how powerful a seemingly weak human could be. In other words, Ryan doesn't need a weapon to take down the criminals he's been after in his time as a cop and this skill would be one of the reasons he was able to become a field rookie so quickly too. He can clearly handle himself.

It's up to you whether Sean was aware of this beforehand. Maybe he requested him because he knew Lewis would think he wasn't a threat? Entirely up to you. My other question is, when I get to Shaw's bio, which, considering how many connections he's starting to have, will probably be next, are you happy for me to write out the details for your perusal or would you like to do up that part, post it here and I can then add it to my bio later on?

Either way, let me know. This character has come a long way from the small, background idea I initially had, that's for sure. It's definitely been a lot of fun seeing that happen



An excellent connection idea.

Just need to decide whether it was a brief encounter, which will then give us that, "Hey, I know you," reaction when Shaw eventually visits the US and thus, the mansion, or, is she one of the many on the FBI's 'watch list' but has yet to be actually caught red-handed?

I would actually prefer the brief encounter side of things because it opens up Shaw finding out she is on a watch list later on and perhaps dealing with the fact he knows where she is but doesn't want to bring her in because of Amp, etc.

Does Ireland have shops in other countries, or does she just go looking for the items herself? Would she request to meet with Shaw if she found out he's been asking about a certain shipment her business was in contact with? The possibilities of exactly how they met are endless and will be a lot of fun to work out.

On the other hand, a brand new connection idea could happen with the business option too... Ireland could be visiting Australia because Shaw is investigating something she is connected to? I am open to any of the above, the latter giving an instant starting point for both of them when we finally start the main story.


42Years Young
40 Posts

As we've talked about at the Professor's ICM, Ryan could be an "agent" in SHIELD's Project EXODUS or should I say Fury's? and thus he would know Fury personally by now.

Perhaps he asked Shaw into the project after working with him in some sort of mission-related to EXODUS as SHIELD agents tried to track a mutant out of control. It could even be the young Pyro if you want, which means they would know each other for that long, or it could be someone else more recently.

Let me know your thoughts.


?Years Young
87 Posts

How about a brief meeting? He could have questioned her and other boat owners along a certain port/bay, in search of some missing people or a stolen object. In the course of his investigation he realizes the people who were playing the victim were actually criminals. What was taken from them wasn't theirs to begin with. Depending on what kind of cases Shaw works on, it could be immigrants trying to escape or a stolen artifact that Ireland was hired to retrieve. She doesn't do the stealing/freeing herself, she's just the transportation and paperwork person. Shaw could have puzzled that out, but seeing that she was more of a "good Samaritan" he opted to let her go and alter his findings. It could be that since then, he's kept an eye out for her ship at the ports. Curious if that was a one-time event or if she was just a really good smuggler.


42Years Young
81 Posts


I am definitely interested in Shaw being a part of Project Exodus. I believe this would be one of the options he sussed out during the many times he would've looked for an alternative to jail time, especially if knowing the 'criminal' was a mutant. I'd rather it wasn't Pyro he was helping Fury with. We can just say it was another random mutant and all that's needed now is exactly when?

Shaw is 46 now, so when would you have liked this to happen. I wouldn't mind him having known Fury for quite some time, maybe 7 or so years now. Still thinking on whether he would've said anything to Pyro about EXODUS. I highly doubt it since he was clearly happy where he was.


A brief meeting it is. His specialty is missing people, so I'll go for that being what he was investigating and thus finds out Ireland was behind the transportation, etc. He is definitely the type to overlook and/or find an alternative for something if deemed necessary. I will be sure to add that to his history when I finally get to it.

Shaw is still currently in Australia at the moment, so unless Ireland is there in our current RP months, there really is no thread we could do now unless you would like to do a past encounter flashback thing? Otherwise, I'll wait until we officially launch to bring him to the States for a visit.