Bio Reviews and Updates

Started by Alisa at Mar 24, 2020 11:11 AM
3 Posts


67Years Young
17 Posts

"None of us are here..."

I created a Taken Code Names listing page. However, it is having the same issue as the Playby List was having. Somewhere, there are some HTML tags. Likely the paragraph tags or other text formatting tags. This seems to be happening somewhere during copy and paste, probably an incompatiblity between Jcink's text formatting and Vesta's.

It is an easy fix...

As character bios are moved to our new site, each person needs to go into Manage Characters and review their bio, looking for random HTML tags. Please see the below code example...

Remove any visible HTML tags from the text - NOT from the source page, just what is showing in the visible editor mode.

To manage your characters...

  • Click on your Username (top of site)
  • Click Manage Characters
  • Choose Manage under the Character's name (to the right)
  • Click save when done.


 (most common issue).
bold text

Any visibletext tags in form fields.

Someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive.

Dreams get pushed around a lot, and I doubt if we'll survive.

We won't get to wake up, dreams were born to disappear.

And I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.

~ None of Us Here by Jim Stafford ~


67Years Young
17 Posts

"None of us are here..."

If applicable, while reviewing your bios, please add what subjects your character teaches at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. This needs to be a simple, comma-separated list of the major subjects they teach.

If your character is a student, please simply put Student in that field.

IF not applicable, please leave the field blank so that we do not have a bunch of N/As or something generated in the auto-list.

Thank you!

Someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive.

Dreams get pushed around a lot, and I doubt if we'll survive.

We won't get to wake up, dreams were born to disappear.

And I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.

~ None of Us Here by Jim Stafford ~


42Years Young
81 Posts

Hey Everyone, 

I have fixed up all the HTML issues in each bio. Hence why some of you will now have double or more Character Transfer alerts.


Love 1