Xavier's Muse

Started by ShaaliRMS at Mar 23, 2020 7:51 AM
7 Posts


42Years Young
81 Posts

History Discussion

I would like to keep as much as possible for him from all the movies except for Logan, of course as it’s pretty obvious they are not that old in this RPG. Lol. I am open to making any adjustments to his history to fit in any and all changes made to other characters as well as the fact we have two generations of X-Men in play now thus will need help filling in all of those connections.

I really loved what happened with him in First Class, Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, particularly how exactly he ended up in the wheelchair and then later on why he became bald thanks to Apoc’s attempts to absorb his powers. For me, The Last Stand never happened but will keep X-Men and X2: X-Men United with any needed adjustments to characters no longer a part of those. Other parts of his history will come from the comics to fill in any gaps or needed alterations. This will be necessary to make Moria happen as both Mariana and I have agreed on preferring her comic history rather than how she was presented in any of the movies.

Same with Magneto. Mariana, now we can further discuss their history together here too.

(Mariana) Also, Guiga had a very good idea yesterday, I think. Maybe after the events of Apocalypse, a very powerful telepath decided to make everyone forget mutants exist, the reason why Hydra didn't recognize the twins for what they were and thought the Stone had granted them powers and not just allowed them to finally manifest. Maybe the snap breaks this and now everyone knows again, which causes organizations to try to deal with a situation they didn't think existed until now because the community grew tight and learned to live off the radar by helping each other or some other reason. This telepath doesn't need to be any canon, even though Charles + Cerebro makes a whole lot of sense to me. He'd do it to protect his people, wouldn't he? @Mana. But now, thanks to Thanos, the genie is out of the bottle again. This doesn't mean that the school and other places wouldn't exist or be active, mutants were still alive and in need of training, so all would go normally on that front, just without open persecution until now?

As plausible as this sounds, I wanted to go with very little persecution for now with only pockets of those still out there who absolutely hate mutants. We’ve already been writing obvious mutants out in the open without much more than an avoiding of them if someone has a problem. This time around I want to concentrate on the interaction between everyone rather than persecution, which is one of the reasons why the Sentinel storyline won’t ever be done here either.

In saying that, though, there is nothing to say Xavier didn’t still use his abilities to assure everyone any mutant-like Apocalypse would no longer be a problem. In fact, he could’ve put in the suggestion that the X-Men will be there to help no matter what happens in future. Then again, he may just be working towards that normally too, as Charles isn’t the type to make such a use of his powers to force the issue.

As for why Hydra didn't recognize mutant powers in Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver this could have been achieved by another mutant with a suggestion/telepathic or even illusion power as a way to protect them?

Re: Thanos… he’s been dealt with already, with very little involvement from the X-Men overall unless you guys can come up with a reason why your character was involved. I can see Charles adding his powers to help somewhere but I haven’t seen Infinity War yet so will need help deciding whether he could’ve been a part of all of this, please.

Okay, now, hit me with all your ideas needing some sort of connection to Charles and I’ll be happy to finally start working out what exactly we can keep for him.

Current For-Fun Threads



  • Moira (Hold a special place in his heart although events have not let them explore it properly further yet)
  • Legion (Son, as yet unknown to him)

Pending Friends

  • Nightcrawler
  • Phoenix

Pending Original X-Men Team

  • Beast
  • Nightcrawler
  • Phoenix
  • Storm
  • Wolverine

Pending Next Generation

  • Iceman
  • Leucrotta
  • Lhiannan Sidhe
  • Pyro
  • Shaali

Pending Full Team

  • Pending

Major Movie Plotlines Kept

  • X-Men: Apocalypse
  • X-Men
  • X-Men 2: X-Men United
  • Pending


42Years Young
40 Posts

I've been thinking since you've posted this thread, Mana, about everything written above and these are my offers to try to solve as much as possible and maybe create some more problems...

First, I see your point in trying to focus the RP in the connections between the characters rather than overall persecution. I'm all for it too, but it has to make sense. After the events of Apocalypse, I can't see this happening honestly. I see way more persecution, not less. But there might be a way to circumvent it IC.

I've seen this idea on YouTube the other day that Fury received a message from the future during the 90s that he should mentor all the heroes he could because it would be important for the future. So there would be a future. He certainly did that with Tony Stark all the times he went self-destructive. It could've been due to his relationship with his father, one of the creators of SHIELD, or maybe it was this message from the future.

When Fury saw the increase of mutant persecution due to events of X-Men: Apocalypse, he had an offer to make. By this time, he was already with SHIELD, was high ranking, but not Director himself yet. The solution he offered was Project E.X.O.D.U.S. It was mentioned in Iron Man 2 while Stark was trying to find a way to cure himself of Palladium poisoning from the ARC in his chest.

So E.X.O.D.U.S. would mean Emerging X-gene Organized Detachments for Urban Strategy (better titles that fit the acronym are welcome!). It is basically a world net of agents who would be responsible for identifying mutant activity, especially emerging powers, cover the occurrence as something as innocent as someone cosplaying a character from an obscure Japanese anime or a movie being filmed or whatever, and guide those people to affiliated foster housing (could have been Pyro's case with the Evans' since they already had a mutant in the household and could have offered to accept more), partner institutions (such as Moira's Muir Island Research Center or Xavier's School) or absorb them into SHIELD to train them as full agents (such as what happened with Puma and Mastermind). But I still think that for EXODUS to work, the great majority would have to forget at least the events of Apocalypse.

The majority of the population would thus be oblivious of the mutant situation simply because it wouldn't seem to exist for them. Now superpowered people such as Carol Denvers, Janet van Dyne, Hank Pym, Bill Foster, the older generation of heroes who were active somehow under SHIELD in the 90s caused the existence of the Registration Act Law we see in X-Men, just as the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron caused the Sokovia Accords to exist.

This mutant protection network wouldn't collapse after the dismantling of SHIELD in Captain America: The Winter Soldier because it is not run by SHIELD directly, only under Nick Fury's eyes and organized by people of his trust. People in local polices such as Detective Shaw can be involved in Project EXODUS, for example.

That's the first offer to explain why people, in general, don't seem to care about mutants when they see them, but it creates another problem. If Fury is in close contact with Xavier since the 90s due to Project EXODUS, why didn't he call him when he detected all those crazy alien signatures over Wakanda? Why his first reaction was contacting Carol Denvers, who is in space and may take time to come back when he knows of a trained group of heroes he can trust who are just a few streets away in Westchester? Well, he did call, but they couldn't hear, either through telecommunications or telepathy. Why?

The Phoenix Force is the self-entitled protector of the universe if we go by 90s animated series. It makes sense that it would choose a human avatar for a long time because two Infinity Stones have been on Earth for the longest time: the Tesseract and the Eye of Agamotto (Space and Time Stones). Later Thor took the Tesseract away, but the Mind Stone from Loki's scepter replaced it. That means two of the most powerful objects in existence were located on Earth. Also, it can sense massive loss of life from any point in the universe, so the complete destruction of Xandar would have called its attention, so it came to Earth to join with Jean and try to stop the threat.

Yet, a joining takes time to happen, so the Phoenix wasn't strong enough to go up against Thanos but was strong enough to protect the mansion and all its inhabitants from the effects of his doings. The joining itself isn't problematic. Jean doesn't go crazy because the Phoenix Force is within her. The Dark Phoenix only emerges once she suffers emotional strain because the entity doesn't know how to deal with such a human particularity as emotions or sensations.

That would make Jean extremely helpful during the natural disaster SWP, but cause a problem after all the pain she can absorb from the dying people. That could trigger the Dark Phoenix to appear, as the cosmic entity would reason that the only way to finish with that pain was to destroy its source, the lives irradiating it. It could be solved fast, especially if this has happened before.

That's the second idea which brings me to Moira and the Muir Island plot before the natural disaster SWP. I think I've found a way to keep her movie appearances too.

Charles and Moira meet while studying Genetics at Oxford. They fall in love. She is forced to marry Joseph MacTaggert due to circumstances. Joseph is in search of a career in politics and due to the Kinross' influence gets a placement in the American Embassy. He and Moira move to the U.S. She joins a study group in her area of expertise because she refuses to be a pretty thing besides a husband she despises. That's how she first discovers the Hellfire Club. She goes to tell the CIA that mutants are real and that's why they must investigate that group as it could be dangerous. They laugh at her and she contacts Charles because she knows he can help with that. From then on things happen as in the movie X-Men: First Class, only that she isn't exactly a CIA agent, but would be working on their behalf.

After those events, Charles takes away her memories of them ever meeting, which means all of them, so she forgets everything about the conditions of her marriage too and tries to get closer to her husband. That's when she gets pregnant of her son Kevin, of whom she shows Charles a picture in X-Men: Apocalypse. Kevin would be a teenager by then and Moira's marriage would have deteriorated to the point of no return when Kevin was rejected by his father for being a mutant. They are not legally divorced though, only estranged. By that time, she was a full contractor for mutant deals for the CIA and gets involved in the investigations about Egyptian cults that could have something to do with mutants. The events of X-Men: Apocalypse happen.

By the end of it, she has all her memories back and their feelings return, but Kevin does not accept Charles because he thinks he is the reason why his parents aren't together anymore as he had heard Joseph complaining that she had betrayed him with Xavier. Joseph thinks Kevin isn't his son because he is a mutant and accused Moira of cheating on him with Charles. Imagine the poor woman's confusion while she couldn't even remember who he was anymore while getting all that crap anyway.

Kevin becomes dangerous and for his sake, she decides to return to her family's estate at Muir Island and creates her Research Center on the grounds. There she does as she can to help Kevin control his powers and also starts to take in other mutants, especially under Project EXODUS. She and Charles kept contact though and visit each other on occasion and he'd be on Muir Island for that plot before the natural disaster SWP in which Joseph will die and Kevin will begin to see Charles with other eyes and accept him if we will still go with it.

As for Legion, I was thinking maybe we could go the Ultimate Universe of Earth 1610 route instead where he is actually the son of Charles and Moira herself. So he would have been born after her return to Scotland after the events of X-Men: Apocalypse. The reason she never told him is that she has herself forgotten that he is their child due to Kevin's interference when he used his powers to possess her and alter her memories after David's birth. Kevin would apologize for doing that after he discovers that Charles is actually a much better man than his father and I see them forgiving him because even though he'd be almost fifty by then, he'd still be very childish due to all his isolation. He would've always treated David as a brother though, even trying to help him on occasion, which wouldn't work, but would show that he is at least a good brother.

OK, the insanity finishes here. Tell me what you think can be used or just scrap everything? I'll stop here because this post is giant already. I'll break the relations of Charles with my people character by character in another post later, once these major facts get out of the way.


42Years Young
81 Posts

Agreed that it has to make sense, most definitely. I also feel that because the X-Men helped stop Apocalypse that perhaps some would've looked upon them as heroes to look up to but others would certainly have offered over more persecution and debate about whether such powered individuals should be allowed to just go about their business without any sort of surveillance or repercussions.

Re: Project E.X.O.D.U.S.

*Raises eyebrow* Wow, okay, very interesting. I personally adore Fury and think mentoring all the mutants would be something he'd be agreeable to doing. Loved his interactions with Stark too. I will admit I do not like the control side of things the comics introduced, nor the fact humankind has this tendency to want to eradicate what it doesn't understand. However, this is a big part of the X-Men universe and having it done in a way by a man who isn't against mutants himself would suit what I'm trying to achieve here quite well. One thing I am very grateful for is that Days of Future Past did the Sentinel plot but had everything all fixed up by the end of the movie. Not only did it eradicate The Last Stand but it also means I never have to even consider having massive robots killing off mutants here again.

  • "So E.X.O.D.U.S. would mean Emerging X-gene Organized Detachments for Urban Strategy (better titles that fit the acronym are welcome!)."

That's almost as tongue-tying as what Shield stands for. Will think on something else for everything from the 'O' onwards.

  • "It is basically a world net of agents who would be responsible for identifying mutant activity, especially emerging powers, cover the occurrence as something as innocent as someone cosplaying a character from an obscure Japanese anime or a movie being filmed or whatever, and guide those people to affiliated foster housing (could have been Pyro's case with the Evans' since they already had a mutant in the household and could have offered to accept more), partner institutions (such as Moira's Muir Island Research Center or Xavier's School) or absorb them into SHIELD to train them as full agents (such as what happened with Puma and Mastermind). But I still think that for EXODUS to work, the great majority would have to forget at least the events of Apocalypse. The majority of the population would thus be oblivious of the mutant situation simply because it wouldn't seem to exist for them. Now superpowered people such as Carol Danvers, Janet van Dyne, Hank Pym, Bill Foster, the older generation of heroes who were active somehow under SHIELD in the 90s caused the existence of the Registration Act Law we see in X-Men, just as the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron caused the Sokovia Accords to exist."

This I do like very much, especially the fact this Project is not locking mutants away (unless absolutely necessary) but finding somewhere for them to learn control of their powers thus leading to living normal lives. Obviously, there will be the exceptions, the mutants, just like humans, who choose to be naughty, nasty, cruel, etc. Like normal people, they have to be incarcerated but by extra means to make sure they can't use their abilities to get away. Excellent way of explaining the Registration Act Law too.

Forgetting the events of Apocalypse I am all for, I'm just wondering if there is another telepath that might have stepped in to do what Charles was hesitant to do himself. Perhaps even Jean managed to convince him it was for the betterment of everyone at the time? Would Emma have been around at that time?

  • "This mutant protection network wouldn't collapse after the dismantling of SHIELD in Captain America: The Winter Soldier because it is not run by SHIELD directly, only under Nick Fury's eyes and organized by people of his trust. People in local police such as Detective Shaw can be involved in Project EXODUS, for example."

Way to tie things in together, Mariana. I love the idea of Shaw being involved as it would give him even greater connections for helping to find alternatives for those mutants with minor criminal activities. Shaali's Mum is a long-term foster parent of both humans and mutants so that is why Shaw already knew of her and something SHIELD would've been aware of too, no doubt. This network would obviously take in Australia as well, right?

Re: The Phoenix Force

When I first read this part I was actually quite excited. I've never had much to do with the Phoenix force and didn't realize it was the type of entity to offer its protection in such a way. I also now better understand why it became the Dark Phoenix as well. Would be very easy to happen to anything that has never experienced human emotions.

All of the above I love without hesitation, so yes, let's put that in as the explanation as to why we never see the X-Men involved in the Avengers movies.

  • "That would make Jean extremely helpful during the natural disaster SWP, but cause a problem after all the pain she can absorb from the dying people. That could trigger the Dark Phoenix to appear, as the cosmic entity would reason that the only way to finish with that pain was to destroy its source, the lives irradiating it. It could be solved fast, especially if this has happened before."

I seriously need a thumbs-up emoticon on here. Excellent idea and I look forward to learning even more from you about the Phoenix force as it happens throughout this plot. Question, does the Phoenix force only pick the one avatar? I was just thinking because Shaali is a healer and the equivalent of a human protector she might be of great help when the Dark Phoenix does appear. Swap to her, Shaali helps it calm down, goes back to Jean, or something? Again, not sure if that'd even work, just a thought.

Re: Moira

If we can make Moira's appearances work I am all for it. Again, I am learning a lot about their relationship from you as up until I met you in the last RP I hadn't really known much about it. Only recently have I seen the connection they had in the movies and really did like it. Thought it was very sweet, especially after she got her memories back. And, what an even greater sacrifice for Charles then... something that will be interesting to reflect on in the RPG at some point. Adds a wonderful depth to everything and is something I can better understand since I've not read many of the comics myself.

Yes, let's do all mentioned between Moira, Charles, Kevin and Legion! That brain of yours is absolutely awesome! The Mummy in me will always adore writing scenes between parents and their children. Insanity?

  • "OK, the insanity finishes here. Tell me what you think can be used or just scrap everything? I'll stop here because this post is giant already. I'll break the relations of Charles with my people character by character in another post later, once these major facts get out of the way."

Nope. Not insanity... ingenuity! I can't even begin to thank you for helping me sort out these aspects of Charles' history because I realize now so many of my canon characters were not very fleshed out last time. I was a younger, less experienced writer back then and completely new to the X-Men universe as well.

If I was excited before when I finally decided the X-Men RPG was where I wanted to return to again, I'm even more so now. Cannot wait to continue fleshing out and creating these new, more realistic versions so I/we can then begin to bring their stories to life again!

P.S. My hands are sore from replying to all of this.

P.P.S. Also, regarding S.H.I.E.L.D. are we keeping the events intertwining within the TV show?


42Years Young
40 Posts

Great, we see eye to eye on pretty much everything!!!!

I'll try to answer what was left open.

Project E.X.O.D.U.S.

That's the idea: cause integration. You're right, one branch of the Project would deal with criminal mutants and ways of keeping them arrested. Maybe in partnership with Genomex? Those subdermal governors could be handy. Just a loose thought here... Also S.H.I.E.L.D. could've been responsible for Magneto's plastic cell in X-Men and X-Men 2: X-Men United for all I know.

  • Forgetting the events of Apocalypse I am all for, I'm just wondering if there is another telepath that might have stepped in to do what Charles was hesitant to do himself. Perhaps even Jean managed to convince him it was for the betterment of everyone at the time? Would Emma have been around at that time?

I like the idea of Jean convincing him. I really do. As for Emma, she had already escaped from Trask by then but was still preparing her come back and most probably still laying low by this time or arrested again. She resurfaced in the beginning of the 90s according to my timeline here, wasn't nice, messed up with what she shouldn't have, namely Jean / Phoenix, and ended up at the hands of Genomex as a template for their psionic creations. I still need to flesh this plot out a bit better, but it could be a way to introduce the Dark Phoenix movie, but do it right. Emma messing with Jean is part of the original comic storyline. Only here she would be still only channeling the Phoenix Force, like in X-Men: Apocalypse, and not joined with it completely.

I did try to make things as cohesive as possible and explain as much as possible while opening a lot of doors for future interaction. EXODUS is a world-wide net, so yes, sure it's in Australia too and anywhere else where there might be a mutant in need through local agents such as Shaw, who don't need to be necessarily agents of SHIELD itself to be a part of the Project. The agents will always try to find a location near the place where the mutant was found and when that isn't possible for whatever reason, send them abroad to partner institutions.

  • I seriously need a thumbs-up emoticon on here. Excellent idea and I look forward to learning even more from you about the Phoenix force as it happens throughout this plot. Question, does the Phoenix force only pick the one avatar? I was just thinking because Shaali is a healer and the equivalent of a human protector she might be of great help when the Dark Phoenix does appear. Swap to her, Shaali helps it calm down, goes back to Jean, or something? Again, not sure if that'd even work, just a thought.

We need to decide if this has happened before or if it will be happening for the first time. I'm leaning towards this being their first full joining so far. As for your offer with Shaali, it depends. Is she, in her current incarnation, a psionic mutant? Because only strong psionics can join with the whole of the Phoenix Force and not have their minds fried for good. Also, it has a tendency to stay with just one avatar, though it has merged with Emma Frost once too, but I already have an idea on how it could be solved. It'll be hinted at in Jean's bio when I mention the Phoenix Force there.

I was looking the other day at mentioning the events of the TV show that have something to do with Fury in his backstory, so I guess yes? It can be cut if you want. I don't have my mindset either way. The post is giant again, so I'll be breaking this reply here. I guess I caught everything that needed an answer?


42Years Young
40 Posts

Now I'll break the plotting by character.

Nick Fury: I see them on friendly terms as partners. Xavier's school is part of Project EXODUS. Maybe Fury also helped to convince him that it was for the greater good and a better future if people in general just forgot the worldwide destruction Apocalypse caused was connected to mutants by showing him what SHIELD agents were witnessing worldwide?

Phoenix: I like the idea of Jean also being part of this convincing, as said in the post above. Maybe she tried to do it herself once he said no and something went wrong and he changed his mind because of it? Just another loose thought here... Jean was part of the first X-Men team and has always been there since Charles helped her deal with the trauma she had when sensing the death of a friend when her powers first manifested and the Phoenix Force chose her as its current avatar. He has been helping her with this ever since, even though they will only understand what's really going on now.

Nightcrawler: Kurt was also among the first X-Men team by the end of X-Men: Apocalypse. He is also very grateful that they helped him upon his return from Europe when he was used to attack the president in X-Men 2: X-Men United. He has been at the mansion as a sort of unofficial counselor since then and well since everyone looks up to Chuck for advice, I was thinking to offer Kurt to be a person he goes to when he needs to sort something out. After all, Charles is human too and must need help to cope with everything from time to time. Kurt would never judge him, only try his best to help him.

The White Queen: Once she manages to escape Genomex, maybe causing Incident X, in her wake? Emma will be in a very difficult spot. She'll have to rebuild all her life again and after everything that has happened to her, I see her trying to find people she knew and could trust minimally to help her out. They would be Professor X and Magneto. She is still deciding where she wants to fully go and right now has one foot in each faction. I want to play with her being a double agent for a bit. Once I decide where she fits better due to interactions and what happens IC, I'll decide where she'll place her full loyalty. All bets are still loose right now!!!!

Moira MacTaggert: I'll be keeping the movies and mixing with the comics for their backstory. They are colleagues and friends and still carry the flame, though fate didn't help those two in any way so far. In between the Muir Island plot and the natural disaster SWP would be a perfect moment to explore why he chose to erase her memories at the end of X-Men: First Class, I think.

Techs: His introduction thread will be him hacking into the school's system again while looking for his missing grandson. He is also an elderly mutant in his early eighties, so I can see, once the security breach is out of the way, Charles not only offering to help him find Ethan, but also letting him stay once he knows Liam has nowhere to go because he sold everything he had to get funds to look for Photon. Charles wouldn't be mad with such a sweetie. If he can forgive Emma, he surely can forgive a desperate grandfather too. Besides Liam is an asset for security, an experienced technopath and willing to teach computer science and coding to the kids.

Miss Marvel: After a very nasty encounter with Rogue, Carol will need some serious telepathic help to return to the land of the awaken. Charles is the usual suspect for that kind of work, though by now it could be Jean or even Emma too, but I'd prefer if it's someone not also played by me for obvious reasons.

Legion: David is in some serious need of help to try to stabilize his mind and who better than dad to come to the rescue after they discover their connection during the Muir Island plot? Some of his personalities will be harder to deal with than others. Also, I was thinking of trying to introduce the Legion series as part of his background, if I manage, which means Charles may have to face off with the Shadow King again and maybe defeat him for good with Jean/Phoenix's help?

Adam Kane: Would they have any relation at all? Would they help each other once the New Mutant Underground and Mutant X are a real thing? What do you think Charles might think of Adam as a person? Maybe they have first met during his internship with Moira at Muir Island during one of Charles' many visits?


42Years Young
81 Posts

Below is a breakdown of your characters and the connections we have touched on so far in one post. I answered your queries while also asking some of my own within and sometimes directly quoted you as well. I've updated the above lists in Xavier's opening post and this one will continue to be added to whenever necessary too

Moira McTaggert

  • You've explained their connection so well can I just copy and paste it to his bio later? Lol. 
  • Still carry a flame for each other but, for obvious reasons, ever so hesitant to ever go there again. Come on guys, you aren't getting any younger now, are you? Lol.
  • Will explore why Charles chose to erase all her memories between the Muir Island and Sitewide Natural Disaster Plot. There connections will continue to develop once we've started the main part of the RPG.


  • Longtime pupil and resident of the Xavier mansion ever since Charles helped her deal with the trauma she had when sensing the death of a friend when her powers first manifested and the Phoenix Force chose her as its current avatar. An original member of the X-Men.
  • Charles has been and is continuing to help Jean better understand the Phoenix force, which we have since decided upon is definitely the alien entity. This is something that we'll be doing a side plot of at some point in the main story where they'll both at long last fully comprehend what exactly is going on.
  • As a means of both protecting their kind and continuing to live in relative harmony with those without powers, Jean tries to convince Charles to wipe the world's memories of the events of X-Men: Apocalypse. Charles disagrees, feeling morally obliged not to mess with the minds of so many. Jean tries to do it herself, only to be stopped by Charles just in time. He then acknowledges it is the better course of action if only to stop anyone else, namely one of his closest friends, from ever going down such a morally dark road.


  • Member of the original X-Men team by the end of X-Men: Apocalypse.
  • As per X2: X-Men United, helped by Jean and Ororo after Charles tracked him using Cerebro. Here is something I've picked up on... how come Charles didn't recognise his signature? Jean and Ororo didn't know who he was either so I'm thinking we simply need to change that side of it to say they did, right? Or, have you another thought on that? * Unofficial counsellor to any and all residents of XSFGY, and yes, including Xavier himself. I do like that idea. Kurt is such a gentle soul and definitely the perfect type for Charles to open up to when it is necessary.

The White Queen

  • I'm going to say Charles does not fully trust her because he can sense something about her, just, obviously not able to look fully due to Emma being a pretty powerful telepath herself. Is that okay?
  • Fellow colleague/teacher at Xavier's. A possible friend in the future if Emma does decide to lie her loyalties with the X-Men.


  • No past history. Will be introduced as he was before, just older.
  • Charles will be initially mad and cautious but warm up to the old gentlemen once he realizes exactly why the technopath decided to hack into the mansion's database.

Ms Marvel

  • Okay, no worries, Charles will help Carol after her encounter with Rogue. Just tell me how and I'll better fill this bit in.


  • Going with the Earth 1610 version this time around, Legion is actually Moira's and Charles' son, who will need a lot of help to stabilize his multiple psyches during the Muir Island side plot planned for later on.
  • Okay, here is where I will have to ask which version of Shadow King are you talking about here? Also, as long as he can be defeated without any of the magical means I've read about in relation to him, then sure, we can look into taking him down for good in the future storyline too.
  • I can so see us doing something similar to what happened to Apocalypse with Charles and Jean here. I will forever love what is said just before she walks out of Cerebro on the astral plain:
  • Charles: "You will never win."
  • Apoc: "And why is that?"
  • Charles: "Because you are alone... and I... am... not."

Adam Kane

Would they have any relation at all?

  • I think considering how much alike these two are in wanting to help in any way they can, and the fact their both geneticists that there would be some sort of past connection there. Even if it's only a small one.

Would they help each other once the New Mutant Underground and Mutant X are a real thing?

  • Most definitely. Again, they are working towards the same goal, protecting those that are different. I can see them calling on each other from time to time when extra help is needed. For example, it'll be all hands on deck during the natural disaster SWP and there is nothing to say Adam and the main team members don't visit the mansion from time to time and vice versa. I know my Shaali would love to check out Adam's very cool hidden base later on. Lol. Same with Pyro. Then again, that's just me wanting to picture myself there through my characters too.

What do you think Charles might think of Adam as a person?

  • He'd respect what he was trying to achieve but also be a bit disappointed he let things go so far. Then again, who is Xavier to judge, he's made some pretty morally bad choices in his life too. Overall though, they'd be like kindred spirits in wanting to protect all mutants no matter how they came to be.

Maybe they have first met during his internship with Moira at Muir Island during one of Charles' many visits?

  • Now, this is a good idea. He'd have been around enough for this to have happened after all. Around what age would this have been? I'm happy to go with whatever you decide.


My gosh, that is a lot of connections... Charles is definitely going to need some major work this time around. Again, though, a chance to do things right the first time around. So over the moon to have you back with me to make this happen from the get-go too. I've just gone with who you had in answer to Charles' ICM. Is there anyone else I need to add at all?


42Years Young
40 Posts

Mana, I've just noticed it's just us in this thread so far. Maybe I should open the grounds to the others... LOL. I just can't stop, sorry. It's pretty much what is above, but I'll review one by one. And you forgot dear Nick Fury in your last reply, so I'll skip him here for now. *winks*

Moira MacTaggert

  • Pretty much that. Well.... a lot can happen. For all I know they can be deaged back to the ages they had in Apocalypse or even First Class. No. It wouldn't be Magda's doing this time, but actually Dark Phoenix's.
  • The entity has aged Mastermind to the point of near-death and then made him mad with all the cosmic knowledge he wanted to gain from his manipulation of her. That was in the 90s animated series. I think something similar has happened in the comics too.
  • Also twice in our continuity here the Phoenix Force would've helped Jean save Charles' life (against Apocalypse and against Shadow King manipulating Legion's mind) by the time the Dark Phoenix, the entity's destructive side, emerges after the Natural Disaster SWP. It will be specially after Charles for having helped him so much in the past and this is something it can do to "punish" him for trying to interfere with its connection with Jean for so long when it flips away from the nice guardian of all facet of its nature.
  • Moira just gets her share for getting in the way while trying to save him from a cosmic entity who now wants him dead. Thankfully Jean will still be there and even though she can't control the Dark Phoenix fully, she can distract it and avoid the killing of her friends. In which age they end up is totally up to our choice. LOL.
  • Something entirely different can happen too, but Charles will be the one to suffer the most after Jean herself when the whole thing hits the fan. Just telling you to start thinking how nasty we can be to them when the time comes.
  • And this ended up being more about Jean and the Phoenix than Moira, but I guess we've got their past covered already. Their future will happen IC with or without deaging due to crazy cosmic entities. LOL. I see them together at some point. It would be cute either way.


  • As I've written in Ithaca's thread, I'll add my version of how I think the Dark Phoenix movie should be to Jean's past in her bio and, in a nutshell, during a mission in space, Jean nearly dies and psionically asks the cosmos for help.
  • The Phoenix comes and saves her, placing her in a healing cocoon underwater near Ellis Island as it takes her place with the X-Men while Jean's body heals by taking her likeness and some of her memories. So all the stuff that happens in the 90s will be only the doings of the Phoenix Force when manipulated out of control by Jessica Chastain's character, probably a Skrull for us here. The same shapeshifting baddies in the Captain Marvel movie.
  • But it will still be connected to Jean and at the end, it'll destroy all the alien ships attacking Earth before returning to outer space. Soon after all the telepathic mayhem leaves the planet, Charles is able to find Jean and discovers she isn't dead or MIA in space as they believed. This follows pieces of the comics plot, so I'm all for it. Though I'm sure it won't be this that will happen in the movie...
  • What happens here may be the reason why the Phoenix chooses a full joining with Jean when Thanos begins to move. It may think it'll remain stable to do its work this way. Also, I've been thinking that they'll (Jean + Phoenix) help guide the actions of the Avengers and manipulate things so their mission is a success while Jean's body is flying over the mansion in deep meditation and everyone is guessing what's going on up there. It explains why no X-Men appears in Endgame and how everything happens so smoothly when it picks up the pace due to movie time constraints.
  • Also, I think Charles will have his way in denying Fury's request until the madness with the Phoenix happens in 1993. After this Jean will feel responsible for all the fear that situation will bring and will try to do it herself to fix things, even though she has no reason to feel guilty that time around as she had nothing to do with what happened then.
  • You must be asking then why I have offered a connection to Ithaca in her thread? When the current joining happens, Jean will receive those memories and stay with them afterwards too. Also, while things are happening in 1993, anything that reminds the Phoenix that it is the guardian of life will help in the situation. A beautiful and innocent young mutant approaching as a pretty kitty may do just that.


  • So glad you liked my idea, Mana!!!!! When it comes to why they don't remember him or Kurt them in X2, we can blame it on the mess that will go down in 1993.

The White Queen

  • Your plan is totally fine and fair. I can also see him trying to guide her to see all the good she is doing for the kids while she is there and appeal to her better angels, which could bear fruit in the future if she places her loyalty with Charles.


  • Even though Liam has walked on the wrong side of the Law for quite some time during his youth, I can see these two elderly men seeing eye to eye on a lot of matters by now and their similar age, without any kind of previous mentor or rivalry connections, may create an interesting friendship with time.

Ms Marvel

  • Charles will probably know what happened through Rogue, who will come into the mansion in a mess asking for help after she realizes she has made a terrible mistake and the consequences were high.


  • To me, the Shadow King is just a powerful psionic mutant who is almost the antithesis to Charles himself. I see a telepath jumping minds to try to find and get back into his body after getting stranded at the astral plane after his fight with Charles at Cairo when he brings Storm back to the mansion. He chooses Legion because he is a powerful psionic in his own right which could help him in this task. Then he'll wish a little revenge that won't go well for him once Jean channels the Phoenix in again. I totally see that scene in Apocalypse happening again.

Adam Kane

  • I agree with everything you've said, Mana. I see it pretty much the same way. Their first meeting at Muir Island would have happened about 26 years ago and he stayed there working with Moira before founding Genomex with Eckhart for about 3 years. I guess that gives space for us to work something in? They could've met at some genetics symposiums afterwards too to keep the connection going if you think that is needed or wanted. Wow.

Another huge post... I hope at least half of it serves any purpose other than me throwing a lot of crazy ideas at you again.