Mariana's To-Do List

Started by Mariana at Mar 20, 2020 5:48 PM
1 Post


41Years Young
40 Posts

Things I have to do around here. If I've forgotten something, reply below and let me know.

Board related:

  • Finish the new custom skin, which I'm prone to call Proteus which is both a mutant and a character in Greek Mythology to go with site's nomenclature
  • Help Mana and Alisa with the site's lore as I've seen every single movie from both Fox and Marvel Studios (not all of them in the movie theater though

Graphics related:

  • Create affiliate buttons for forum testing
  • Create a new Graphics Workshop thread
  • Create and post OOC avatars for myself, Guiga, Lylithix and Michelle
  • Create and post avatars and side images for characters currently displaying the white square of emptiness (Magneto, Storm and Heatblast)
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Alisa's characters
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Heidi's characters
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Michelle's characters
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Mana's characters
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Lylithix's characters
  • Create and post avatars and side images for Guiga's characters
  • Create and upload avatars and side images for my characters
  • Create faction badges
  • Create more affiliate buttons

Character related:

  • Finish the tweaks to Magneto
  • Help Mana with Xavier's history
  • Continue character discussions with other players
  • Finish all other bios

Love 1