Help Me, Alisa

Started by Alisa at Mar 14, 2020 10:48 AM
2 Posts


67Years Young
17 Posts

"None of us are here..."

Please reply to this thread if you have a Vesta (our site platform) related question or issue. You need to provide details of the problem and a screenshot of any error messages. Before posting here, please read the list of known Vesta issues that are being addressed in the next release.

Delete / Move

  • Mass move and delete do not currently work properly. It is best for now to add a reply to any threads you want disposed of and let Admin move it to our trash bin. Once the bug is fixed, we can then delete the threads.
  • To delete an individual post, use the delete button that is on the post, next to the Manage button. 
  • DO NOT try to delete an entire thread. This will glitch and leave it orphaned.


Someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive.

Dreams get pushed around a lot, and I doubt if we'll survive.

We won't get to wake up, dreams were born to disappear.

And I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.

~ None of Us Here by Jim Stafford ~


42Years Young
81 Posts

Hello Alisa,

Aside from the problems I've already mentioned in Discord chats, I'm just going to add others as I come by them here. I have noticed that when someone edits the opening post of any thread with a date set on it, one has to redo the date again too otherwise it will reset to January 0, 2023 every time. 

Could you please find out if there is any way to fix this. It's more annoying than anything else but if it can't be fixed I'll have to make a board announcement about it so everyone is aware.

Thanks heaps,


Love 1