Affiliate Guidelines

  1. My Passion is Writing accepts affiliates of all genres, fandoms, or hosts.
  2. We will verify that you have our button on your site before we approve your affiliation request.
  3. If you post more than once, the older submission will be deleted.
  4. Roleplay or RPG resource sites only. All others will be deleted.
  5. Affiliate buttons must not be animated flashing gifs. Please respect the fact that they can adversely affect some people.

To Affiliate

Click the Add New Affiliate button.

  1. Fill out the form.
  2. Upload your PG-13 88x31 site button. We prefer static buttons and reserve the right to remove animated gif buttons that are too flashy. Some people have issues with flashing or moving images on websites.
  3. Click Save and voila! Your button magically appears at the bottom of our forum index page.

Our Buttons


BB Code


Affiliate buttons must not be moving gifs. Our affiliates' buttons must be sized 88x31.
