The Tail End Of A Tough Day

Started by Amp at Mar 31, 2020 7:44 AM
November 16, 2023
15 Posts

Jean Grey-Summers

?Years Young
3 Posts

"I know what everyone feels..."

Jean sensed all of Charles' inner turmoil as he saw her after she made her presence known. She understood his feelings and already regretted having done it in the way she had. She hadn't thought it through, just going with the flow of her evening. Now it was too late. The best she could do was offer her father figure a reassuring smile. *Everything is fine. No need to worry. Sorry I have concerned you.* Jean sent telepathically to Charles. Her answer to his kind greeting words was an equally kind smile that said thank you better than any words could.

Jean's attention was then completely turned to Amp and Ireland. She followed the pixie with her eyes, both physical and mental, as Amp moved between the hair strands she was telekinetically disentangling. The whole process was rather fast and she bowed slightly to reciprocate Amp's bow of thankfulness. She just let Amp's happiness at being free and with Charles invade her. It was easier to block thoughts than feelings. Always, not just nowadays. Ireland then thanked her and Ororo for their assistance. "I'll second Ororo, Ms. Chase. That's what friends are for." Jean said tilting her head while smiling.

Jean nodded discreetly at Ororo's silent offer for a private chat later, accepting it just because having chats with Ororo was always synonymous of having a good time. She remembered them as teenagers just talking well into the early morning hours. She wanted to assure her friend that all was fine, but her thoughts were disrupted by a sensation of sharp pain. Someone had stubbed a toe not far from there. It was Lawrence Cutter. He was really excited and in a hurry. Jean shook her head to let the feelings go. She knew it was also her predisposition as a medical doctor to try to take care of everyone, but not everything needed her attention.

Mere moments after, Lawrence entered the room to show his latest LARP project: an adapted medieval chain-mail top. Jean's first reaction was to just look at it, her mouth slightly open in awe. She had learned how to appreciate an intricate metal or wood work with her husband. He had given her for her birthdays many objects he had handcrafted himself at the workshops he had set up at the garage long years ago. Certainly also the birthplace of that marvel. When Ororo said Scott had to be there to see it, Jean nodded her agreement as her demeanor returned to its collected normal. *Scott, Lawrence is here at the adult only sitting room showing his LARP project. You probably have already seen it, but if you wanna come...* Jean let her husband know through their psychic link that there was something there for his appreciation. "I agree. Fantastic." She seconded Ororo. Her words accompanied by a reinforcing nod of complete approval.

Professor Charles Xavier

Professor X
?Years Young
3 Posts

"It’s the greatest gift we have.

To bear their pain without breaking.

And it comes from the most human part: Hope."

If anyone was not moved in their heart by having such a diminutive creature such as Amp first give them a kiss on the cheek and then spread her arms out over his chest to hug him the best she could manage, then Charles felt he did not wish to ever get to know such a person. He said nothing in response to her exuberance, simply smiled, mind feeling the approach of their resident hyena quite a few moments before actually hearing him. Jean’s telepathic message of reassurance still on his mind, his concern for her was soon pushed aside as he felt the sudden change in Lawrence’s mood, followed by the pain in tandem.

The Professor was relieved that once Leucrotta had entered and realized Amp was okay, he almost instantly calmed down, all of them very soon caught up in the rather welcome distraction of the latest addition to his LARP costume. It really was some awe-inspiring work, Lawrence’s skill never ceasing to amaze him. All of the students and residents at the school excelled in one area or another and Live Action Role-Playing had been Leucrotta’s favourite for a very long time now.

Some chose to dress up and fall deep into their character, showing this off at the many different conventions all around the world. Cosplay, he believed it was called. Others, like Lawrence, not only did that but also got together with others to act out various scenes for both their own enjoyment and anyone interested in watching. Quite fascinating. Particularly when coming across such a thing while using Cerebro. Even if it was just for a brief moment, Charles always seemed to stop and take in the show through the eyes of those involved.

“I must ask you to make me one of these for my own collection, Lawrence,” Xavier spoke up, giving him a warm smile. “Perhaps an entire knight’s armour just in my size?” He chuckled a little, imagining the faces of those around him were he to emerge in his wheelchair dressed in such a way.

Lawrence Cutter

?Years Young
7 Posts

Everyone seemed to be quite impressed with his craftmanship, Lawrence feeling a swell of pride that his months of work had paid off and that the results were more than satisfactory. Of course it would be worth the hard work alone to see Amp's reaction with the sheer infectious delight that she would display at anything shiny and glittery and it would seem her delight was just as considerable with the jangling. As she performed her little spinning dance near the ceiling, Lawrence looked up at her.

"I'll make sure I wear if for the next session Amp, though that gives me an idea. One session we could have an audience for the Pixie Queen whom has the most glittering and sparkliest of crowns. Would you like to be the Pixie Queen Amp, if I made a crown fit for you?" Lawrence asked the fairy-like mutant. It would be some delicate and intricate work, making sure it was light enough for Amp to wear so she could fly. Then modify a dolls dress to accommodate her wings and add some glitter to it and maybe Deirdre could make some illusionary pixie subjects. It might make for a fun session, maybe a birthday treat for her.

"Thank you," the gnoll nodded to Jean and Ororo, acknowledging their compliments on his work before he looked over to Charles as the Professor made his request. "That would probably be quite a surprise for everyone, I mean if anything they'd picture you in a wizard's robes or maybe a wise old sage but I'd be happy to make a set for you if you like," Lawrence replied as he nodded, already starting to run over a few ideas in his mind.

As he registered that Ireland had expressed an interest in seeing his work, Lawrence nodded, "You're quite welcome to do so, Ms Chase." He was wearing a T-shirt underneath so he was decent and it did get a little heavy after a while. Removing armour could be just as long a process as donning it, particularly when you needed to be careful of getting fur caught up and keeping an eye on Amp just to make sure that she wouldn't end up getting herself entangled if attracted by the jangling. He'd set it on one of the empty chairs so that Ireland could inspect it.

"Like when I make replica weapons, I try to get as close to historically accurate as I can, though sometimes with a little artistic licence or necessary modifications. My build for instance is a little different from most," Lawrence explained as he began shrugging off the hauberk. "I owe a lot to Scott of course, I mean he's the one whom got me started, taught me the basics to begin with and more than that gave me the confidence. I might have gone in a different direction but same techniques and the craftmanship I got from him. Not sure what he makes of all the Larping sometimes but I hope he knows how much I appreciate him for teaching me."


Scott Summers

?Years Young
3 Posts

Not all of us can control our powers.

After calling it a day at the garage, Scott was donning a shirt after taking a shower as Jean's message reached him through their psychic link. I was already on my way. He simply thought as he knew Jean would pick his intentions up. He knew about Lawrence's LARP project and had even given him some tips on how to go about it when he started months ago. He had warned the younger man that to achieve what he wanted would demand quite some time of fine welding work. Nothing deterred the resident hyena feral from his desire to build the most accurate possible chain-mail. 

He wasn't at the metal and wood workshop today though, but working on the failing engine of one of their cars, which was now working flawlessly again after a few days of careful work at the auto workshop. They were close but not at the same place at the underground areas of the school. Actually, it had been some time since Scott had seen Lawrence's work on the chain-mail for the last time as he had not asked for any further help after the starting days of this endeavor and as a good master, he never imposed his opinions over his apprentices. Though all of them knew they could count on him to answer any questions or help them if they asked for it.

Scott and Jean's room wasn't too distant to the adult only living room, so he took only a few minutes to get there at a fast pace. As he entered, all attentions seemed to be centered on Lawrence and his work. He managed to hear his apprentice's last few words though. "I know now." Scott then placed a hand on Lawrence's shoulder for support as he approached him. "And never before had I a student who was so focused and willing to improve in the art of molding metal." After that revelation, he went to see the finished work. "I see... Very interesting choice here..." His sentences now almost a secret code to those who didn't know what they had discussed before as he gauged the finished chain-mail.

"Hello, everyone." The greeting was followed by a shy smile to all and a special nod aimed at his own mentor, Xavier. He approached Jean and kissed her in the forehead, later returning to where Lawrence, Ireland and the chain-mail were now located. The room could be considered a bit crowded for someone who wanted to relax a little after a day of work, but having a good time between friends was also very relaxing. 

Ireland Chase

?Years Young
26 Posts

Each year the world gets a little bit smaller, and that fact frightens me.

I find my peace at sea, under a blanket of endless stars.

Irleand looked from Ororo and then to Jean as the pair took a brief moment to remind the reclusive blonde about one of the tenants of friendship. Ireland blushed slightly as she gave a surprisingly shy nod. As confident as Ireland was in her professional life, it was the exact opposite to how she felt about her personal life. Specifically, about other people in her life. Her life was built on keeping people at arm’s length. It was the only way she knew how to keep herself safe. This was one of the first times she had given herself permission to linger at the school in a casual manner. She hadn’t expected the room to become as busy as it was, or that Amp and her hair would require assistance in fixing. “Do you have any books on the subject you could recommend?” Her voice was quiet, in hopes that only Ororo and Jean would hear. If she honestly wanted to try and build friendships, she honestly felt like she needed to do some studying.

On the opposite side of the spectrum was Amp. A being that could make a friend in an instant, and out of anything. Point to nearly anything in the mansion, or on the grounds and Amp could tell you a story that involved that object. Though most people didn’t notice it, she was more then capable of entertaining herself. She simply preferred to be with people.

Amp made sure to keep a safe distance from Lawrence as he carefully slipped out of his chain-mail. Once his shiny shirt was laid down for others to view she moved closer to him. “Amp could be Queen?” she asked in awe. Her mouth half hanging open as little hands did their best to cover her surprised expression. “Amp would love to see other fairies like self. Could Precious Goes Poof really make such a place for Amp?” Her hand moved to the top of her head, imagining a little crown resting there, “Queenie promises to be loving good Queen to her fairy precious.” Keeping one hand on her head, she used her spare hand to gesture around her, towards her unseen subjects.

“Can Amp have the glittery gold dress like the other fairy queen from the movies? Her dress rains golden glitter in the most magical of way,” Amp was hovering in a swoony manner in front of Lawrence as her imagination quickly grasped hold of his suggestion and started running with it.

Seeing that the chain-mail was laid out along the back of a chair Ireland smiled to Lawrence, bobbing her head in a silent ‘thank you’ to the tall man. She didn’t want to interrupt Amp’s creative process. If she did the cost would be high, meaning she’d get roped into Amp’s fantasy. If those around her weren’t careful she’d end-up drafting half the school into her Queen Fairy moment.

Now that the top was laid out, Ireland realized just how large it was. With the weight of the metal, she didn’t dare to pick it up. Instead, she sat on the edge of the chair and turned towards the back. She used her index finger and thumb to examine the links. Touching, was sometimes the best way to learn about an item. The weight of the metal, the thickness of the rings told her the gauge of wire he used, and spinning the rings allowed her to feel the edge of where the wound metal met. “I appreciate the wire gauge you used. I find it heart breaking when crafters use too small of a gauge for what they are trying to make. Then wonder why their 22-gauge voider keeps falling apart,” shaking her head slightly. “Your fine motor skills are surprising. I expected, with the size of your hands, that your rings would be warped in shape. More egg shaped then round. I tip my hat to you sir,” Ireland shared in full honesty. 

>> Nickname >>
Precious Goes Poof = Lhiannan