Before reading this guide and creating your first thread, you should read the Vesta User’s Guide.


This guide contains screenshots and information on how to create a thread and reply to tags.

Posting Rules

  1. Do not delete posts! If your thread has been abandoned, add an abandoned thread-tag to it, and post a reply to it requesting that it be archived or deleted.
  2. Word Count: We do not have a word count. However, it is preferred that you not write one-liners. If that is all your thread calls for (i.e. lots of dialog), consider writing your thread as a series of joint-posts (JPs).
  3. Mature Content: Remember to rate your threads and posts correctly. If you feel it exceeds our site's rating, please turn the mature content toggle on. Hint: You must have completed your profile to use this feature.
  4. Do not complain to the Staff if you lose your post. Our site does save drafts of posts until you click the post button. However, sites, computers, browsers, etc. can hiccup. It is always advisable to save the contents of your post to your computer's clipboard before clicking the post button.
  5. If you've completed the thread, simply add the thread-tag to the top of your post (i.e. completed tag = completed).

Site Terminology

  • Create (button): Add New Topic (thread)
  • Joint Post (JP): This is a style of writing where the tagged member edits their reply directly into an existing post. This is great for dialog and short reactions. Once saved, the system will send an alert just like it does for new threads and new posts.
  • Manage (button): Edit
  • Post (button): Add reply to thread.
  • Post (noun): A post is a single component of a thread.
  • Tagging, Tagged: I know it is confusing to have two types of tags! When stated as just tags, we'll assume you mean tagging the next character to reply.
  • Threads: A thread is a series of posts that create part of a story (like a scene in a TV show or chapter in a book).
  • Thread-Tags (or Post-Tags): These are one or two word thread descriptions that display on the thread index page and in the thread.

Thread Tags

There are a few thread tags that Admin would like for you to use where applicable. You may also add additional tags that designates specific locations, other characters in the thread, etc.

  • open-thread: This tag designates a thread that is open for any character to join.
  • completed: This tag designates a thread that has been completed.
  • abandoned: Designates a thread that has been abandoned.
  • private-thread: Desingates a thread that is being written between specific characters.

Creating a New Thread

  • The below information is geared toward in-character posts. However, you would create OOC posts the same way. The only differences are that you would not have to choose your character and timeline.

Choose IC Forum

  1. Go to the site's main forum index page. Make sure you are logged in.
  2. Choose the IC forum you want to post in under the X-Men RPG category.

Start Thread

  1. Click Create on the thread index page.

Thread Editor

  1. Choose the character you want to use.
  2. Title the thread.
  3. Add any thread-tags such as a specific location, additional characters, open or private thread, etc.
  4. Important! Fill out the timeline: Choose month from the dropdown, input date, choose year from the dropdown.

Note: If the year you want to use is not in the list, post a request in the Help Me! forum and it will be added to the IC timeline.

Replying to Threads

Thread Index

  1. Choose the thread you are replying to from the thread index page (see the Start Thread screen shot).

Write Post

  1. Click Post to add a reply - or - click Manage to add JP reply (i.e. edit).